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PhpGedView is capable of utilising modules to extend and enhance its features by way of third-party code. Information about creating a module is available for those who wish to develop them.

Some modules may come with the PhpGedView package you download. To install other modules, download the module's files and place them in the modules folder in your PGV folder. Usually these files will be organized as a single php file and a folder of additional files. Generally this is all that is necessary, but check for a specific 'readme' or similar file in the set of module files.


A module that allows the use of the FCKeditor for entering and editing news items and other HTML-based blocks on the Welcome and My Portal pages in a WYSIWYG window.


Main article: Google Map module

The module shows a map with geographical information about the Individual events. There is an additional tab shown on the page for every individual, a map derived from Google Maps, and a table of the events being mapped on this page.

Each map marker may be clicked to show data attached to that particular place. If more than one event took place at the marker location, the additional events are shown with tabs.


Message Forum

An interface module to the PunBB application, a simple Bulletin Board that can be used as a discussion forum in PhpGedView

Research Assistant

The Research Assistant allows users to create and manage research tasks and associate them with individuals or families Research tasks can be assigned to different researchers and organized into folders. The Research assistant has also tools to show missing information and the most probable places to look for it.


This module generates Sitemap files for use by search engines such as Google.



Main article: GVExport module

The GVExport module is an interface module to the GraphViz application. After installing the application and the module, you can create many additional family diagrams that can be viewed and saved as a graphics file (e.g. png).

Gallery 2

Main article: Gallery2 module

The Gallery 2 module provides integration with Gallery, an open source web based photo album organizer. Gallery 2 source is not included with PGV, you need to download it from the offical Gallery site.


Main article: Lightbox module

A display module using the Lightbox script, a fancy display of the media associated with Individuals and Families, including an album and a slideshow.


A module intended to provide assisted data entry options in various parts of PGV. Each Assistant is designed as a separate sub-module. From PGV ver. 4.2.2 onwards the first sub-module Manage Media Links is available. The next sub-module Census Assistant should be released with PGV ver. 4.3.0.

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