PGVWiki:Site guidelines
PhpGedView documentation
In order to provide a consistent documentation status for the whole of the community using phpGedView the English site’s documentation will be considered to be the “core source” for the documentation.
The documentation source for phpGedView has been divided into 5 areas
- Administrators guide
- Installation guide
- Users guide
- How to
All PhpGedView documentation translations should be based on the English version. Improvements and changes to the documentation can be initiated in any language group, but as they are updated for that language group, the English version MUST be similarly updated. In this way other language groups can monitor and be informed of the changes and appropriate changes can be made in their documentation. Whilst this is in some ways prescriptive it enables enhancements in the phpGedView documentation to benefit the whole of the community.
LGTs (Language Go Tos) should monitor these areas for changes.
Users who change documentation in their language group (other than English) who are able to translate into English are asked to do so to assist LGTs in keeping the core version up to date.
This is dealt with here
This is dealt with here