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On this page you can find articles and press releases which have been written about PhpGedView.

If you know about other publications or news releases regarding PhpGedView, please contact the PhpGedView project manager John Finlay.

20 June, 2005

PhpGedView 3 Year Anniversary

A lot of exciting things have happened with the PGV project during the last year. The biggest event is the release of PGV Version 3.3 which adds a lot of the online editing functionality that many people have been waiting for.

Another event that happened this year was PGV's representation at genealogy conferences. See the conference report for more details.

As we move forward into year four, there are also a lot of exciting things to look forward to. The first is a new partnership with Neumont University (formerly Northface University). In this partnership, students from Neumont will be working on PGV related projects as part of their schooling. They will work under the direction of PGV founder John Finlay. In this next quarter the students will be adding the ability for administrators to link people together across multiple PGV websites. This partnership with Neumont University will not change the status of the PhpGedView project. The project will continue to be Open Source under the GPL with the same development team you are familiar with.

Here are some project statistics from the last 3 years: Current Activity Ranking: 30 (99.98%) Total Web Hits: 1,155,184 Downloads: 46,370 Bugs Squashed: 858 Forum Posts: 12,597

25 March, 2005

PhpGedView Conference Presentations=

The PhpGedView Demo presentation at the Family History Technology Workshop won first prize for the best demo presentation. There was tremendous excitement about PhpGedView and Open Source genealogy.

The PhpGedView presentation at the Computerized Genealogy Conference on 25-26 March 2005 was very well attended and created a lot of excitement about the project.

Read a full report of the conferences here.

Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter (English)

This site provides a genealogy newsletter on They have published an introducing article about phpGedView which also covers some basic information about server-side scripting languages. Find the whole article in the weekly summary "Vol. 9 No. 7 - February 16, 2004".

Association for Computer Genealogy (German)

The german Association for Computer Genealogy has published an article in their club-magazine "Computergenealogie", Volume 18 / booklet 4 - 2003 / pages 19-21 as heading article about PhpGedView. The last paragraph tells about the associations' plans to use PhpGedView for their well known GedBas-Database. The author of this article is Jürgen Bach, who worked on PhpGedView for the German translation.

NOTE: Some steps and features described in this article may be outdated, due to the development progress of PhpGedView.

As the article was written in German and is not (yet) translated, all the following links refer to the German version of this homepage!

You also can download the article as zipped PDF file or view it as a PDF file (ca. 1MB).

Read the article in plain HTML here.