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                        "*": "    1 =======================================================\n    2     PhpGedView\n    3 \n    4     Version 4.1\n    5     Copyright 2005 John Finlay and others\n    6 \n    7     This and other information can be found online at\n    8     http://www.PhpGedView.net\n    9 \n   10     The installation instructions can also be found in the wiki at:\n   11 \thttp://wiki.phpgedview.net/en/index.php/Installation_Guide\n   12 \n   13     # $Id$\n   14 =======================================================\n   15 \n   16 CONTENTS\n   17      1.  LICENSE\n   18      2.  INTRODUCTION\n   19      3.  SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS\n   20      4.  QUICK INSTALL\n   21      5.  INSTALLATION\n   22      6.  UPGRADING\n   23      7.  UPDATING GEDCOMS\n   24      8.  THEMES\n   25      9.  MULTIMEDIA OBJECTS\n   26     10.  RSS FEED\n   27     11.  DATABASE TABLE LAYOUT\n   28     12.  MANUAL CONFIGURATION\n   29     13.  SECURITY\n   30     14.  LANGUAGES\n   31     15.  NON-STANDARD GEDCOM CODES\n   32     16.  LANGUAGE EXTENSION FILES\n   33     17.  MIGRATING FROM SQL TO INDEX MODE AND VICE VERSA\n   34     18.  POSTNUKE AND PHPNUKE INTEGRATION\n   35     19.  BACKUP\n   36 \n   37 -------------------------------------------------------\n   38 LICENSE\n   39 \n   40 PhpGedView: Genealogy Viewer\n   41 Copyright (C) 2002 to 2007  John Finlay and Others\n   42 \n   43 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n   44 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n   45 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n   46 (at your option) any later version.\n   47 \n   48 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n   49 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n   50 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\n   51 GNU General Public License for more details.\n   52 \n   53 See the file GPL.txt included with this software for more\n   54 detailed licensing information.\n   55 \n   56 -------------------------------------------------------\n   57 INTRODUCTION\n   58 \n   59 PhpGedView is a revolutionary genealogy program which allows you to view \n   60 and edit your genealogy on your website.  PhpGedView has full editing \n   61 capabilities, full privacy functions, and supports multimedia like photos \n   62 and document images.  PhpGedView also simplifies the process of \n   63 collaborating with others working on your family lines.  Your latest \n   64 information is always on your web site and available for others to see.  \n   65 For more information and to see working demos, visit \n   66 http://www.PhpGedView.net/\n   67 \n   68 PhpGedView is Open Source software that has been produced by people from \n   69 many countries freely donating their time and talents to the project.  All \n   70 service, support, and future development is dependent on the time \n   71 developers are willing to donate to the project, often at the expense of \n   72 work, recreation, and family.  Beyond the few donations received from \n   73 users, developers receive no compensation for the time they spend working \n   74 on the project.  There is also no outside source of revenue to support the \n   75 project.\n   76 \n   77 -------------------------------------------------------\n   78 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS\n   79 \n   80 PhpGedView requires a web server with at least PHP v4.3 and around 20MB of\n   81 web space.  The default installations of PHP on most servers should provide\n   82 you with all of the PHP functionality you should need.\n   83 \n   84 Database\n   85     You will need at least 1 database and a username and password to access it. \n   86     PhpGedView primarily supports MySQL, but has also been tested and shown to \n   87     work with Postgresql, SQLite, and SQL-Server. The versions required for \n   88     each of these databases is outlined below: \n   89     MySQL 3.23+ \n   90     PostgresQL 8.0+ \n   91     SQLite available through PDO-SQLite which is included in PHP 5 \n   92     MS SQL-Server 2003+ \n   93 \n   94 Web space\n   95     At least 20MB of web space on the web server. You will need more than this \n   96     if you intend to store multimedia linked to individuals. \n   97 \n   98 To use the reporting engine, PHP needs to be compiled with XML support.  \n   99 This is compiled into PHP by default unless it is specifically disabled.  \n  100 See http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.xml.php\n  101 \n  102 Some features of PhpGedView require the GD library and that PHP be compiled\n  103 with GD support.  Most precompiled versions of PHP include GD support.  If \n  104 you are compiling PHP yourself you will need to configure it with the \n  105     --with-gd \n  106 option.  See http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\n  107 \n  108 The advanced calendar features of PhpGedView for converting Gregorian dates \n  109 to the Hebrew or Jewish calendars require that PHP be compiled with the\n  110     --enable-calendar \n  111 configuration option.  See http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.calendar.php \n  112 for more information.\n  113 \n  114 For GEDCOMs larger than 2MB, you will likely need to research different\n  115 hosting options and find one that will accept a request to modify the\n  116 default memory and time limits built into PHP.  See the FAQ at\n  117 http://www.phpgedview.net/faq.php for more information about large GEDCOMs.\n  118 \n  119 -------------------------------------------------------\n  120 QUICK INSTALLATION\n  121 \n  122 These instructions can also be found in the wiki at:\n  123 http://wiki.phpgedview.net/en/index.php/Installation_Guide\n  124 \n  125 Follow the instructions in this section to install PhpGedView if you are\n  126 already familiar with the program or are familiar with installing other PHP \n  127 web applications.\n  128 \n  129  1.  Upload the files to your web server.\n  130  2.  Set Write permissions on config.php and the \"index\" directory.  For \n  131      optimal security, you should move the \"index\" directory to a location \n  132      where it is not accessible from the Internet.\n  133  3.  Point your browser to the directory where you uploaded your PhpGedView \n  134      files (for example, http://www.yourserver.com/PhpGedView/).\n  135  4.  Enter your configuration settings.  If you moved the index directory, \n  136      be sure to specify the correct location to it on this page.  Save the \n  137      configuration parameters.\n  138  5.  Enter the default administrator user.\n  139  6.  Login as this user and upload your GEDCOM file.\n  140  7.  Save the GEDCOM configuration settings.\n  141  8.  Import the GEDCOM.\n  142 \n  143 Optional Steps\n  144  9.  If you want to use the language editing features you will need to set \n  145      Write permissions for all of the files in the ./languages folder.\n  146 10.  If you want to upload media files using the Upload Media section of \n  147      the Admin menu then you need to set Write permissions for your ./media \n  148      and ./media/thumbs directories.\n  149 11.  If you want to edit your GEDCOM file online, the GEDCOM file must have\n  150      Write permissions set for the PHP user.\n  151 12.  If you want to use the Backup feature of the Upgrade utility in \n  152      PhpGedView you will need to either set Write permission on the \n  153      PhpGedView folder itself or create a folder named \"backup\" with Write \n  154      permissions.  Write permissions for the PhpGedView folder can be \n  155      removed as soon as the backup folder is in place and has the \n  156      appropriate permissions.\n  157 13.  For security you should set the permissions back to Read-only when you \n  158      are done editing or uploading files.\n  159 \n  160 -------------------------------------------------------\n  161 INSTALLATION\n  162 \n  163 These instructions can also be found in the wiki at:\n  164 http://wiki.phpgedview.net/en/index.php/Installation_Guide\n  165 \n  166 Follow these instructions if you are not familiar with PhpGedView or \n  167 installing PHP applications.\n  168 \n  169 *A.  Upload Program Files:\n  170 To install PhpGedView, unzip the compressed package and upload the files to \n  171 a directory on your web server.  If you have limited space on your server, \n  172 you can save space in the following ways:\n  173 1.  Delete the themes from the themes folder that you do not plan to use.\n  174 2.  Delete some of the language files that you do not want.  English files \n  175     are named configure_help.en.php, countries.en.php, facts.en.php, \n  176     help_text.en.php and lang.en.php.  French files, for example, are named \n  177     with \".fr.\" in place of \".en.\".  Hebrew files use \".he.\" in place of \n  178     \".en.\", and so on.  \n  179     The English language files cannot be deleted.  They are always loaded \n  180     before the files for the selected language are loaded.  This ensures \n  181     that all language variables are defined, and that the English version \n  182     will be used when a given variable is missing in the new language.\n  183 3.  Do not upload the \"places\" folder.  This folder contains maps for some\n  184     countries.  It also contains text files containing state, county, and \n  185     place names.  Its purpose is to allow you to enter place names by \n  186     picking them from lists.    \n  187 \n  188 For optimal security, you may want to move the \"index\" directory to a \n  189 different location outside of your Internet accessible space.  You will \n  190 specify the location of this directory during the online configuration.  \n  191 See the SECURITY section for more information.\n  192 \n  193 *B.  Required File Permissions:\n  194 PhpGedView requires that Read permissions be set for all files in the\n  195 PhpGedView directory tree.  Some hosts also require Execute permissions\n  196 (chmod 755).  PhpGedView requires full Write permissions on the index \n  197 directory (chmod 777 under most hosting configurations).  PhpGedView also \n  198 requires that Write permissions (chmod 777) be set temporarily for the \n  199 config.php file.\n  200 \n  201 To help with the setting of permissions a file called setpermissions.php \n  202 has been included with the project.  This file will attempt to set 777 \n  203 permissions to the config.php, ./index, and all of the files inside the \n  204 ./index directory.  Because host settings vary on the ability of PHP \n  205 programs to set file permissions, you have to run this file manually.\n  206 \n  207 If at any time you have trouble during configuration, check your \n  208 permissions again.\n  209 \n  210 There are some advanced features that require more Write permissions to be \n  211 set.  If you want to use the language editing features you will need to set \n  212 Write permissions for all of the files in the ./languages folder (chmod \n  213 777).  If you want to upload media files using the Upload Media section of \n  214 the Admin menu then you need to set Write permissions (chmod 777) for your \n  215 ./media and ./media/thumbs directories.  If you want to edit your GEDCOM \n  216 file online, the GEDCOM file must have Write permissions set to the PHP \n  217 user (chmod 777).\n  218 \n  219 *C.  Configuration:\n  220 Next point your web browser to the PhpGedView folder\n  221 (for example, http://www.yourserver.com/PhpGedView/) to automatically \n  222 begin the online configuration process.  Information about each of the \n  223 configuration options can be found online by clicking on the question mark \n  224 (?) near each label.\n  225 \n  226 PhpGedView has support for importing your GEDCOMs into a PEAR:DB supported \n  227 database like MySQL or PostgreSQL.  Currently, MySQL is the only fully tested \n  228 database.  Using a database requires that an existing user, password, and \n  229 database already exist.\n  230 \n  231 You may reconfigure PhpGedView at any time by going to PhpGedView/admin.php \n  232 and logging in as an administrator user and clicking on the \"Configuration\" \n  233 link.\n  234 \n  235 If you are having any problems setting up PhpGedView then you should run the \n  236 sanity_check file. To do this you should type sanity_check.php into your URL \n  237 (for example, http://www.yourserver.com/PhpGedView/sanity_check.php). If you are \n  238 not able to view that page then you most likely don't have either the sanity_check \n  239 file or you do not have PHP installed properly.\n  240 \n  241 *D.  Create Admin User\n  242 After you click the Save button, you will be asked to create an \n  243 administrator user and login as this user.  Then click on the link labelled \n  244 \"Click here to continue\" where you will be taken to the \"Manage GEDCOMs\" \n  245 area.  In the \"Manage GEDCOMs\" area you can add GEDCOMs to your site, edit \n  246 the GEDCOM configuration, edit Privacy settings, and import the GEDCOM into \n  247 the data store.\n  248 \n  249 *E.  Add GEDCOM file\n  250 To add GEDCOM files to the system, you can upload your GEDCOM file using \n  251 the \"Upload GEDCOM\" option from the Admin menu.  All files uploaded using \n  252 the \"Upload GEDCOM\" page are saved in your index directory.  You can also \n  253 upload your GEDCOM manually using FTP or any other file upload method.  \n  254 Most hosts limit the size of files that can be uploaded from a web form for \n  255 security reasons, so you may be forced to use a manual method.  You may \n  256 also upload your GEDCOM in ZIP format, either manually or using the \n  257 \"Upload GEDCOM\" option.  Make sure to enter the filename of the ZIP file.  \n  258 PhpGedView will automatically unpack the ZIP file and use the GEDCOM file \n  259 inside it.  Be sure to create the ZIP file to contain only one GEDCOM file.\n  260 \n  261 *F.  Set GEDCOM Configuration Settings\n  262 After uploading your GEDCOM, you will be asked to set the configuration\n  263 parameters for it.  There are too many parameters to list all of their \n  264 options in this document.  Please use the online Help documentation to \n  265 guide you through the configuration process.\n  266 \n  267 *G.  Validate GEDCOM\n  268 After you save the GEDCOM configuration PhpGedView will validate your \n  269 GEDCOM and automatically fix any errors that it can.  If any errors found \n  270 in the GEDCOM require user input, you will be prompted to choose how to \n  271 proceed.  Again use the online Help ? for more information.\n  272 \n  273 *H.  Import GEDCOM\n  274 You are almost done.  This is the final step before you can begin viewing \n  275 your data.  After validating the GEDCOM and fixing any errors, you will \n  276 need to import the GEDCOM into the data store.  During the Import you will \n  277 see a lot of processing statistics printed on the screen.  If the Import \n  278 completed successfully you will see a blue \"Import Complete\" message.  \n  279 Everything is now set up and you can begin using PhpGedView with your \n  280 GEDCOM.\n  281 \n  282 *I.  Deleting GEDCOMs\n  283 You may delete GEDCOMs from your site from the \"Manage GEDCOMs\" area.\n  284 Deleting a GEDCOM from the site will remove it from the database but will \n  285 not delete the original GEDCOM file that you imported.  It will also not\n  286 delete any of the cache or privacy files related to this GEDCOM.  These \n  287 retained files, which are no longer required by PhpGedView, are all located \n  288 in the \"index\" directory.\n  289 \n  290 *J.  Reset config.php Permissions\n  291 For security you should set the permissions of config.php back to Read-only\n  292 (chmod 755) when you have finished configuring for the first time.  Write\n  293 permissions will only need to be set for config.php when you use the\n  294 Admin->Configuration link.  Everything else will be stored in the index\n  295 directory.\n  296 \n  297 *K.  Custom Themes\n  298 You can customize the look and feel of PhpGedView by modifying one of the\n  299 provided themes.  See the THEMES section of this readme file for more\n  300 information.\n  301 \n  302 *L.  HTTP Compression\n  303 Pages generated by PhpGedView can be large and use up a lot of bandwidth.\n  304 Compression of the data between the server and browser using GZip \n  305 compression can compress the bandwidth by up to 90% (usually 80% - 90% for \n  306 PhpGedView that were tested).  Add the following 2 lines to your php.ini file:\n  307     zlib.output_compression On\n  308     zlib.output_compression_level 5\n  309 \n  310 If you have no access to the php.ini file and you are using Apache, create a \n  311 blank file named .htaccess (including the dot) and add the following lines to \n  312 that file  (or add them to an existing .htaccess file and upload the file to \n  313 your PhpGedView directory.\n  314     php_flag zlib.output_compression On\n  315     php_value zlib.output_compression_level 5\n  316 \n  317 Some hosts do not allow adding this through .htaccess files, but they may \n  318 allow you to create a partial php.ini file in your phpGedView directory. To\n  319 this file you would add the same two lines from the php.ini file above:\n  320     zlib.output_compression On\n  321     zlib.output_compression_level 5\n  322 \n  323 Note: If your host is using mod_gzip or an other compression method, using \n  324 this technique can cause problems.  Compression will have no effect on \n  325 browsers that do not support it.  You can test the compression at\n  326 http://leknor.com/code/gziped.php\n  327 \n  328 If you need help or support visit  http://www.PhpGedView.net/support.php\n  329 \n  330 -------------------------------------------------------\n  331 UPGRADING\n  332 \n  333 UPGRADING 4.1 to 4.1.x\n  334 \n  335 1. To upgrade from 4.1 to 4.1.1 or any other 4.1.x version, simply replace \n  336    the files on the server with the new files.\n  337 2. Some of the internal structures have changed, so you should also delete\n  338    your cache files.  This can be done from the \"Customize Welcome Page\" link\n  339    or by manually deleting the files from the \"index\" directory. \n  340 \n  341 \n  342 UPGRADING 4.0.x to 4.1.x\n  343 \n  344 Use the following steps to upgrade to v4.1.  These steps assume that you \n  345 are familiar with PhpGedView and have successfully installed it before.\n  346 \n  347 Version 4.x no longer includes support for index files.  If you do not have \n  348 PHP 5 with built-in SQLite support or a database account then you should not \n  349 upgrade to PhpGedView 4.x.  Maintenance releases will continue for the 3.3.x \n  350 version.\n  351 \n  352 **Note to SQLite users: Unfortunately SQLite does not support the ALTER TABLE\n  353   SQL command.  This means that we must first drop the tables and recrate\n  354   them.  It is highly reccomended that you run the backup before upgrading.\n  355 \n  356 1.  Upload the new 4.1 files to your server replacing the old files with the \n  357 \tnew files.  Do not replace the config.php file or the index directory.\n  358 2.  In order to create the data required for the new version, you will\n  359     have to re-import your GEDCOM. Please see the section on UPDATING\n  360     GEDCOMS below.\n  361 3.  You can now use your upgraded site.\n  362 4.  If you are using a customized theme you will need to update your theme\n  363     with new stylesheets and variables.  An excellent tool that can help \n  364     you to merge themes is the WinMerge project \n  365     http://winmerge.sourceforge.net/\n  366     \n  367 -------------------------------------------------------\n  368 UPDATING GEDCOMS\n  369 \n  370 When you change your genealogy data outside of PhpGedView, it is not \n  371 necessary to delete your GEDCOMs from PhpGedView and start over.  Follow \n  372 these steps to update a GEDCOM that has already been imported:\n  373 \n  374 1.  The first step is to replace your old GEDCOM on the site with your new\n  375     GEDCOM.  You can do this using FTP, or by going to the \"Upload GEDCOM\" \n  376     page and uploading a new GEDCOM with the same filename as the old one.  \n  377     Please remember that file names are case sensitive.\n  378 2.  Re-import the GEDCOM file by going to \n  379     Admin->Manage GEDCOMs->Import GEDCOM.  The GEDCOM will be validated \n  380     again before importing.\n  381 3.  The Import script will detect that the GEDCOM has already been imported \n  382     and will ask if you want to replace the old data.  Click the \"Yes\" \n  383     button.\n  384 4.  You will again see the Import statistics and the Import Complete \n  385     message at the bottom of the page when the Import is complete.\n  386 \n  387 If you use a ZIP file to upload the GEDCOM, the only way to do it is by \n  388 either using the \"Upload GEDCOM\" option, or the \"Add GEDCOM\" option.  The \n  389 GEDCOM file in the zipped file has to have exactly the same name as the \n  390 already existing GEDCOM.  This way existing GEDCOM settings will be \n  391 preserved.\n  392 \n  393 -------------------------------------------------------\n  394 THEMES\n  395 \n  396 PhpGedView uses a theme based architecture allowing you to have greater\n  397 flexibility over the appearance of the site.  The \"themes\" directory \n  398 contains the standard themes that come packaged with PhpGedView.  You may \n  399 customize any of these themes to your liking or create your own theme by \n  400 copying any of the standard themes to a new folder and modifying it.  When \n  401 you configure PhpGedView, you should tell it to look in your new theme \n  402 directory.\n  403 \n  404 A theme directory must contain at least the following 6 files:\n  405   footer.html        # PHP/HTML for the bottom of every page\n  406   header.html        # PHP/HTML for the top of every page\n  407   print_footer.html  # PHP/HTML for the bottom of every print preview page\n  408   print_header.html  # PHP/HTML for the top of every print preview page\n  409   style.css          # A CSS stylesheet containing all styles\n  410   sublinks.html      # PHP/HTML to print the links to other places\n  411   theme.php          # The PHP design variables that you may customize\n  412   toplinks.html      # PHP/HTML that appears just below the header.html\n  413 \n  414 For a guide to building your own custom PhpGedView theme, go to:\n  415 http://www.PhpGedView.net/styleguide.php\n  416 \n  417 If you really like a theme that you have done and would like it included \n  418 with the project, you should send your theme files to the developers at\n  419 yalnifj@users.sourceforge.net.\n  420 \n  421 -------------------------------------------------------\n  422 MULTIMEDIA OBJECTS\n  423 \n  424 The GEDCOM 5.5 standard supports multimedia files of all types.  Currently\n  425 PhpGedView supports multimedia objects only as external files.  Multimedia\n  426 embedded in the GEDCOM file itself will be ignored.  To use the multimedia\n  427 support in PhpGedView you must copy the multimedia files external to your\n  428 GEDCOM to the \"media\" directory in the folder where you installed \n  429 PhpGedView.\n  430 \n  431 In choosing which picture to show on charts, PhpGedView will choose the \n  432 first one with the _PRIM Y marker.  If there are no _PRIM tags in your \n  433 media object records then the first object found will be used.  You can \n  434 disable all photos on charts for a particular person by setting _PRIM N on \n  435 all media objects.  Most genealogy programs will do this for you \n  436 automatically.\n  437 \n  438 You can find all of the images referenced in your file by opening your \n  439 GEDCOM in a text editor and looking for the OBJE or FILE tags.\n  440 \n  441 PhpGedView includes a \"media/thumbs\" directory where you can place \n  442 thumbnails of your media files for display in lists and on other pages.  \n  443 PhpGedView allows you to create your own thumbnails so that you can \n  444 maintain artistic control over your media and to avoid the installation of \n  445 other server side software.  Make a copy your images and reduce them to an \n  446 appropriate thumbnail size somewhere around 100px width and upload them to \n  447 the \"media/thumbs\" directory.  Keep the filename the same as the original.  \n  448 Thumbnails can be created for non-image media files as well.  To do this \n  449 create a thumbnail image in either gif, jpeg, png or bmp formats and name \n  450 them the same name as the media file including the file extension (even if \n  451 the media is a non image such as a PDF or an AVI file, name the thumbnail \n  452 IMAGE with the PDF or AVI file extension).\n  453 \n  454 There is an Image module that fully integrates with PGV and that will\n  455 automatically create thumbnails for you if you use it to upload your files.  \n  456 It is not included with the main PhpGedView files because it requires \n  457 external libraries that not all hosts will have installed.  You should be \n  458 able to get it to work by following the instructions included with it.  \n  459 You can download the ImageModule from:\n  460 http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=55456&package_id=88140\n  461 \n  462 You can configure PhpGedView to recognize subdirectories in your media \n  463 folder.  The subdirectories must be the same names as the subdirectories in \n  464 your media file paths pointed to in your GEDCOM file.  For example, if you \n  465 have the following media references in your GEDCOM file:\n  466     C:\\Pictures\\Genealogy\\photo.jpg\n  467     C:\\Pictures\\Scans\\scan1.jpg\n  468     scan2.jpg\n  469 \n  470 With the media depth set to 1 you need to set up your directory structure \n  471 like this:\n  472     media/Genealogy/photo.jpg\n  473     media/Scans/scan1.jpg\n  474     media/scan2.jpg\n  475     media/thumbs/Genealogy/photo.jpg\n  476     media/thumbs/Scans/scan1.jpg\n  477     media/thumbs/scan2.jpg\n  478 \n  479 With the media depth set to 2 you need to set up your directory structure \n  480 like this:\n  481     media/Pictures/Genealogy/photo.jpg\n  482     media/Pictures/Scans/scan1.jpg\n  483     media/scan2.jpg\n  484     media/thumbs/Pictures/Genealogy/photo.jpg\n  485     media/thumbs/Pictures/Scans/scan1.jpg\n  486     media/thumbs/scan2.jpg\n  487 \n  488 -------------------------------------------------------\n  489 RSS FEED\n  490 \n  491 PGV now includes an RSS feed.  RSS is an XML format that allows other sites\n  492 to get news and other data from your site.  The language used is the \n  493 default language of the site.  The language of the feed can be set to any \n  494 language supported by PGV by changing the URL that your RSS aggregator uses \n  495 from the default /phpGedView/rss.php to /phpGedView/rss.php?lang=english \n  496 (or any language supported by PGV such as rss.php?lang=french).  \n  497 \n  498 Currently only the default site GEDCOM is supported for the feed info.  \n  499 Other options available in the RSS feed are the ability to specify the feed \n  500 type via the rssStyle parameter.  The PGV default is \"RSS1.0\".  Passing any \n  501 supported type including \"PIE0.1\", \"mbox\",\"RSS0.91\", \"RSS1.0\", \"RSS2.0\", \n  502 \"OPML\", \"ATOM0.3\", \"HTML\", \"JS\" will change the feed type.  \n  503 \n  504 For example, calling  /phpGedView/rss.php?rssStyle=HTML will create HTML \n  505 output suitable for inclusion in an other page via an iFrame.  The JS \n  506 option will output JavaScript that can be included in an other page without \n  507 using an iFrame.  \n  508 \n  509 You can also specify a module that you want to output (only 1) so that only \n  510 that module will be output.  This is done via the module parameter.  For \n  511 example, /phpGedView/rss.php?module=gedcomStats will only output the GEDCOM \n  512 Stats block.  \n  513 \n  514 These parameters can be chained so that\n  515 /phpGedView/rss.php?lang=hebrew&module=gedcomStats&rssStyle=HTML \n  516 will output the GEDCOM Stats module in Hebrew in HTML.\n  517 \n  518 \n  519 -------------------------------------------------------\n  520 DATABASE TABLE LAYOUT\n  521 \n  522 PhpGedView uses a very simple database table layout because it operates\n  523 primarily on the GEDCOM data and only needs the database for search and\n  524 retrieval.  There are only a few tables in the database:\n  525   pgv_blocks        # Description of each user's Portal page\n  526   pgv_dates         # Stores decoded date information from GEDCOM records\n  527   pgv_families      # All the families in the GEDCOM\n  528   pgv_favorites     # Stores users favorites\n  529   pgv_individuals   # All the individuals in the GEDCOM\n  530   pgv_messages      # Messages to and from users\n  531   pgv_names         # Stores decoded name information from GEDCOM records\n  532   pgv_news          # Stores news items for the Index and Portal pages\n  533   pgv_other         # All other level 0 GEDCOM records (i.e., repositories, \n  534                     #   media objects, notes, etc.)\n  535   pgv_placelinks    # Cross-reference between places and individuals and\n  536                     #   families\n  537   pgv_places        # Place hierarchy\n  538   pgv_sources       # All the sources in the GEDCOM\n  539   pgv_users         # Table for user data (only exists if using default \n  540                     #   mysql authentication module)\n  541 \n  542 \n  543 The tables are all very similar.  They each have a field for the GEDCOM ID, \n  544 a field to tell which GEDCOM file the record was imported from, a few \n  545 fields for things like quick retrieval of name information, and a field for\n  546 the raw GEDCOM record data.\n  547 \n  548 Following is a more detailed description of each table:\n  549   pgv_individuals:\n  550     i_id VARCHAR(255)      # GEDCOM individual ID\n  551     i_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n  552     i_rin VARCHAR(30)      # Individual's RIN number\n  553     i_name VARCHAR(255)    # Person's primary name taken from the first\n  554                            #   1 NAME line stored in GEDCOM name format\n  555     i_isdead int(1)        # Alive/dead status of individual\n  556                            #   -1 = not calculated yet 0 = alive 1 = dead\n  557     i_GEDCOM TEXT          # Raw GEDCOM record for this individual\n  558     i_letter VARCHAR(5)    # First letter of the individual's surname\n  559     i_surname VARCHAR(100) # Person's surname\n  560 \n  561   pgv_families:\n  562     f_id VARCHAR(255)      # GEDCOM family ID\n  563     f_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n  564     f_husb VARCHAR(255)    # ID of the husband\n  565     f_wife VARCHAR(255)    # ID of the wife\n  566     f_chil TEXT            # List of children IDs, semi-colon (;) delimited\n  567     f_GEDCOM TEXT          # Raw GEDCOM record for this family\n  568     f_numchil INT          # Number of children in this family\n  569 \n  570   pgv_sources:\n  571     s_id VARCHAR(255)      # GEDCOM source ID\n  572     s_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n  573     s_name VARCHAR(255)    # Abbreviated title of the source\n  574     s_GEDCOM TEXT          # Raw GEDCOM record for this source\n  575 \n  576   pgv_other:\n  577     o_id VARCHAR(255)      # GEDCOM record ID\n  578     o_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n  579     o_type VARCHAR(20)     # Type of GEDCOM record\n  580                            #    (REPO, ADDR, NOTE, OBJE, etc)\n  581     o_GEDCOM TEXT          # Raw GEDCOM record for this item\n  582 \n  583   pgv_names:\n  584     n_gid VARCHAR(255)     # Individual ID that this name corresponds to\n  585     n_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n  586     n_name VARCHAR(255)    # Name in GEDCOM format,\n  587                            #   with / / around the surname\n  588     n_letter VARCHAR(5)    # First letter of the surname\n  589     n_surname VARCHAR(100) # Surname for this name record\n  590     n_type VARCHAR(10)     # Type of name,\n  591                            #   P = primary, A = additional, C=calculated\n  592                            \n  593   pgv_dates:\n  594   \td_day                  # The day of month for this date\n  595   \td_month                # The 3 letter abbreviation for month of year\n  596   \td_mon                  # Integer 1-12 for the month of year\n  597   \td_year                 # The year for this date\n  598   \td_datestamp            # This column is no longer used and will be deleted in 4.2\n  599   \td_fact                 # The fact that this date was associated with\n  600   \td_gid                  # The gedcom XREF ID where this fact and date were found\n  601   \td_file                 # The gedcom file id where this fact was found\n  602   \td_type                 # Used if this date uses an alternate calendar type\n  603 \t\td_julianday1           # The julian day number for this day (or start of this month/year)\n  604 \t\td_julianday2           # The julian day number for this day (or end of this month/year)\n  605 \n  606   pgv_blocks:\n  607     b_id INT(11)           # Record ID\n  608     b_username \t\t\t   # User name whom block belongs to\n  609     \t\t   VARCHAR(100)#\n  610     b_location VARCHAR(30) # Location of the block.  \n  611                            #   Main column or right column\n  612     b_order INT(11)        # Position of the block within the column\n  613     b_name VARCHAR(255)    # Name of the block\n  614     b_config TEXT          # Configuration settings for this block\n  615 \n  616   pgv_favorites:\n  617     fv_id INT(11)          # Record ID\n  618     fv_username  \t\t   # User name whom the favorite belongs to\n  619     \t\t   VARCHAR(30) #\n  620     fv_gid VARCHAR(10)     # ID of the favorite\n  621     fv_type VARCHAR(10)    # Type of favorite (currently only INDI)\n  622     fv_file VARCHAR(100)   # File that this favorite belongs to\n  623     fv_url VARCHAR(255)    # The URL for this favorite if it is not one of \n  624                            # the basic types\n  625     fv_title VARCHAR(255)  # A title for URL based favorites\n  626     fv_note TEXT           # Optional descriptive information about this favorite\n  627 \n  628   pgv_messages:\n  629     m_id INT(11)           # Record ID\n  630     m_from VARCHAR(255)    # Name or email address of the sender\n  631     m_to VARCHAR(30)       # Destination user name\n  632     m_subject VARCHAR(255) # Subject of the message\n  633     m_body TEXT            # Body text of the message\n  634     m_created VARCHAR(255) # Time stamp when the message was created\n  635             \n  636   pgv_news:\n  637     n_id INT(11)           # Unique identifier\n  638     n_username VARCHAR(100)# User name or GEDCOM the News item belongs to\n  639     n_date INT(11)         # Time stamp of last update\n  640     n_title VARCHAR(255)   # Title of the article\n  641     n_text TEXT            # Body text of the article\n  642 \n  643   pgv_places:\n  644     p_id INT(11)           # Unique identifier\n  645     p_place VARCHAR(150)   # Place name\n  646     p_level INT(11)        # Level of the place in the hierarchy,\n  647                            #   0 is the country or state\n  648     p_parent_id INT(11)    # ID of this item's parent place in the \n  649                            #   hierarchy.  A city's parent would be the \n  650                            #   county it is in, a county's parent would be \n  651                            #   a state or province, and a state or province\n  652                            #   would have a country as parent.\n  653     p_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n  654     p_std_soundex \t       # Standard soundex code for searching by place.\n  655     \t\tVARCHAR(255)   #\n  656     p_dm_soundex       \t   # Daitch-Mokotoff soundex code for searching by\n  657     \t\tVARCHAR(255)   #   place.\n  658 \n  659   pgv_placelinks:\n  660     pl_p_id INT(11)        # Unique identifier\n  661     pl_gid VARCHAR(30)     # Family or individual ID referencing this place\n  662     pl_file INT            # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n  663     \n  664   pgv_soundex:\n  665   \tsx_i_id\tVARCHAR(255)   # Unique identifier (Individuals table)\n  666   \tsx_n_id\tVARCHAR(255)   # Unique identifier (Names table)\n  667   \tsx_file\tINT\t\t\t   # Unique identifier (GEDCOM file)\n  668     sx_fn_std_soundex      # Standard first name soundex code. Used for\n  669             VARCHAR(255)   #   soundex searching.\n  670    \tsx_fn_dm_soundex       # Soundex code for international first names.\n  671    \t\t\tVARCHAR(255)   #   This uses the Daitch-Mokotoff soundex method,\n  672    \t\t\t\t\t\t   #   which is better suited for them.\n  673     sx_ln_std_soundex \t   # Standard last name soundex code. Used for\n  674     \t\tVARCHAR(255)   #   soundex searching.\n  675     sx_ln_dm_soundex \t   # Soundex code for international last names. This\n  676     \t\tVARCHAR(255)   #   uses the Daitch-Mokotoff soundex method, which \n  677     \t\t\t\t\t   #   is better suited for them.\n  678 \n  679   pgv_users:\n  680     u_username VARCHAR(30) # User name\n  681     u_password VARCHAR(255) # Encrypted password\n  682     u_fullname VARCHAR(255) # User's full name\n  683     u_GEDCOMid TEXT        # Serialized array representing the GEDCOM IDs\n  684                            #   for this user\n  685     u_rootid TEXT          # Serialized array representing the root IDs \n  686                            #   for this user\n  687     u_canadmin ENUM('Y','N') # Is the user an admin or not\n  688     u_canedit TEXT         # Serialized array indicating the editing \n  689                            #   privileges a user has for each GEDCOM\n  690     u_email TEXT           # Email addres\n  691     u_verified VARCHAR(20) # User self verified\n  692     u_verified_by_admin VARCHAR(20)  # User has been verified by the admin\n  693     u_language VARCHAR(50) # User's preferred language\n  694     u_pwrequested VARCHAR(20)   # User requested a new password\n  695     u_reg_timestamp VARCHAR(50) # Registration timestamp\n  696     u_reg_hashcode VARCHAR(255) # Self-registration hash key\n  697     u_theme VARCHAR(50)         # User's preferred theme\n  698     u_loggedin ENUM('Y','N')    # User's login status\n  699     u_sessiontime INT(14)       # User's last login time stamp\n  700     u_contactmethod VARCHAR(20) # User's preferred method of contact\n  701     u_visibleonline ENUM('Y','N')  # Whether or not the user is visible in\n  702                                    #   the logged on users block\n  703     u_editaccount ENUM('Y', 'N')   # Whether or not the user can edit his\n  704                                    #   own account information\n  705     u_defaulttab INT(10)           # Default tab on the individual page\n  706                                    #   for this user\n  707     u_comment VARCHAR(255)         # Admin's comments on this user\n  708     u_comment_exp VARCHAR(20)      # Alert date for the admin, for instance \n  709                                    #   for temporary accounts.\n  710     u_sync_gedcom VARCHAR(2)    # If the user has a GEDCOM record ID, then \n  711                                 #   should some of the data for the user (name,\n  712                                 #   email) be synchronized with the GEDCOM data.\n  713     u_relationship_privacy VARCHAR(2)  # Should this user use relationship privacy\n  714     u_max_relation_length INT   # The maximum path that the user is allowed to see\n  715     u_auto_accept VARCHAR(2)    # Are changes made by this user automatically \n  716                                 #   accepted into the database\n  717 \n  718 This table layout has received criticism from some for its simplicity, \n  719 size, and because it does not follow a genealogy model like GENTECH.  \n  720 We admit that these tables can be hard to interface to because the code has \n  721 to understand GEDCOM in order to get information out of them.  We also \n  722 admit that storing the raw GEDCOM data could make the tables very large.\n  723 \n  724 Fortunately the GEDCOM standard is not a very complex or large format; it \n  725 only requires 6 characters per line, which is very good compared to \n  726 something like XML.  However, there are some very compelling reasons why \n  727 this table structure was chosen:\n  728 1.  Simpler tables mean fewer and simpler database queries.  This takes a\n  729     large load off the database and makes the program run faster.\n  730 2.  Nothing is lost in the Import.  Even though GEDCOM is a standard, each\n  731     genealogy program interprets the standard a bit differently and adds \n  732     its own tags.  Creating a database model that conforms to all the \n  733     GEDCOM outputs of different genealogy software programs would be very \n  734     difficult.\n  735 \n  736 -------------------------------------------------------\n  737 MANUAL CONFIGURATION\n  738 \n  739 Advanced users who understand PHP may want to configure manually by editing \n  740 the configuration file config.php  When you have finished editing \n  741 config.php make sure that the variable $CONFIGURED=true; so that the \n  742 program does not try to forward you to the configuration.php script when \n  743 you launch it for the first time.\n  744 \n  745 You can manually add GEDCOMS to the system by adding them to the $GEDCOMS \n  746 array in the index/GEDCOMs.php file.  The GEDCOM array looks like this:\n  747   $gedarray = array();\n  748   $gedarray[\"GEDCOM\"] = \"surname.ged\";\n  749   $gedarray[\"config\"] = \"./index/surname.ged_conf.php\";\n  750   $gedarray[\"privacy\"] = \"./index/surname.ged_priv.php\";\n  751   $gedarray[\"title\"] = \"Surname Genealogy\";\n  752   $gedarray[\"path\"] = \"./surname.ged\";\n  753   $GEDCOMS[\"surname.ged\"] = $gedarray;\n  754 \"surname\" above could be anything, for example, \"johnson\" or \"private\".  \n  755 You must pay attention to the case of what you enter.  PhpGedView is case \n  756 sensitive.\n  757 \n  758 Each GEDCOM will need a configuration file.  You can copy the \n  759 config_GEDCOM.php file which has all of the default values for each GEDCOM \n  760 you add manually.  Then set the \"config\" item of the GEDCOMS array to point \n  761 to the file you copied.\n  762 \n  763 Each GEDCOM also needs a Privacy file.  Make a copy the privacy.php file \n  764 for each GEDCOM and set the \"privacy\" item of the GEDCOMS array to the \n  765 location of the new privacy.php file.\n  766 \n  767 -------------------------------------------------------\n  768 SECURITY\n  769 \n  770 Even though PhpGedView gives you the ability to hide the details of living\n  771 individuals, whenever you post the personal details of living individuals \n  772 on the Internet, you should first obtain the permission of EACH living \n  773 person you plan to include.  There are many people who would not even want \n  774 their name linked with their family history made public on the Internet and \n  775 their wishes should be respected and honored.  Most family history programs \n  776 allow you to choose the people who are exported when you create your GEDCOM \n  777 file.  The most secure option is to deselect all living people in your \n  778 genealogy program when you export your genealogical data to a GEDCOM file.\n  779 \n  780 If you wish to protect your GEDCOM file itself from being downloaded over \n  781 the Internet you should place it outside the root directory of your web \n  782 server or virtual host and set the value of the $GEDCOM variable to point \n  783 to that location.  For example, if your home directory is something like\n  784 \"/home/username\" and if the root directory for your web site is\n  785 \"/home/username/public_html\" and you have installed PhpGedView in the\n  786 \"public_html/PhpGedView\" directory then you would place your GEDCOM file in\n  787 your home directory at the same level as your \"public_html\" directory.  You\n  788 would then set the file path to \"/home/username/GEDCOM.ged\" by editing the\n  789 GEDCOM configuration.\n  790 \n  791 You can also manually set the location by changing the \"path\" line in\n  792 index/GEDCOMs.php:\n  793     $gedarray[\"path\"] = \"../../GEDCOM.ged\";\n  794 or\n  795     $gedarray[\"path\"] = \"/home/username/GEDCOM.ged\";\n  796 \n  797 Since your GEDCOM file resides in a directory outside of your web server's \n  798 root directory, your web server will not be able to fullfill requests to \n  799 download it.  However, PhpGedView will still be able to read and display \n  800 its contents.\n  801 \n  802 In the end it is YOUR responsibility to guarantee that there has been no\n  803 violation of an individual's privacy and YOU could be held liable should\n  804 private information be made public on the web sites that you administer.\n  805 \n  806 For more privacy options visit:\n  807 http://www.PhpGedView.net/privacy.php\n  808 \n  809 -------------------------------------------------------\n  810 LANGUAGES\n  811 \n  812 PhpGedView has built-in support for multiple languages.  PHP does not \n  813 support unicode (UTF-16).  It does support UTF-8 and that is the \n  814 recommended character encoding for GEDCOMs with PhpGedView.  If you have \n  815 characters in your GEDCOM outside the standard ASCII alphabet, you should \n  816 probably use the UTF-8 encoding.  There are many differences between UTF-8 \n  817 and UTF-16, but anything that you can encode in UTF-16 you should be able \n  818 to encode in UTF-8.  It is also quite easy to convert from Unicode to \n  819 UTF-8.  Simply open your Unicode GEDCOM file in Windows Notepad and select \n  820 \"File->Save As..\" from the menu and choose UTF-8 as the encoding option.  \n  821 You shouldn't lose any of the characters in the translation.\n  822 \n  823 You should check the Patches section of\n  824 http://sourceforge.net/projects/PhpGedView to get the latest language \n  825 files.\n  826 \n  827 Discussion and questions about the multiple language features of PhpGedView\n  828 including translations, should be posted in the Translations forum \n  829 available from the PhpGedView project page here:\n  830 http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=294245\n  831 \n  832 To translate PhpGedView into another language that is not currently \n  833 supported you must first login to PhpGedView as an administrator and go to \n  834 the Language Edit Utility by clicking on \"Admin-> Translator Tools\".  At \n  835 the bottom of that page is an option to Add a new language.  Choose your l\n  836 anguage from the dropdown list and click on the \"Add new Language\" button.  \n  837 A popup window will appear that allows you to edit the default settings for \n  838 your language.  Each of the settings has online help available by clicking \n  839 on the \"?\".  You might want to look at the settings for some of the other \n  840 languages on the edit language page to see how they are set up.  When you \n  841 have finished editing the settings, click the Save button.  This will \n  842 create a new lang_settings.php file in the index directory.  You will \n  843 notice that your language now appears in the supported languages list.\n  844 \n  845 Next create a copy of the \"configure_help.en.php\", \"facts.en.php\", \n  846 \"help_text.en.php\", and \"lang.en.php\" files located in the \"./languages/\" \n  847 and change the \"en\" part to match the two letter language code of your \n  848 language.  \n  849 \n  850 The \"facts\" file contains all of the translations for the various GEDCOM \n  851 tags such as BIRT = Birth.  The \"lang\" file contains all of the language \n  852 variables used throughout the site.  The \"configure_help.en.php\" and\n  853 \"help_text.en.php\" provide configuration and help instructions.\n  854 \n  855 You can translate these files using the online Language File Edit utility.\n  856 Just select your language from the drop-down list and then select the file \n  857 you want to edit and click the Edit button.  Your file will be compared to \n  858 the English language file so that you can easily translate the files \n  859 online.\n  860 \n  861 You can also translate these files manually by opening them in any text \n  862 editor.  If you manually edit the files, you must be sure to save them in \n  863 the UTF-8 character set.  Some text editors like Windows Notepad add a \n  864 3-byte Byte-Order-Mark (BOM) to files they save in UTF-8.  PHP does not \n  865 like the BOM and it should be removed before testing the files in \n  866 PhpGedView.  PhpGedView's Translator Tools section has a utility program\n  867 for removing these BOMs.\n  868 \n  869 You should obtain a flag file from http://w3f.com/gifs/index.html and size \n  870 it to match the other flags in the images/flags directory.\n  871 \n  872 To help maintain languages, a language change log is provided in the \n  873 languages directory.  This change log is named LANG_CHANGELOG.txt.  All \n  874 changes to the English language files are recorded here.\n  875 \n  876 If you make a new translation of PhpGedView or update another translation, \n  877 and would like to contribute it to the community please post your language \n  878 files and your index/lang_settings.php file to the Patches section of the \n  879 SourceForge project site at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/phpgedview\n  880 \n  881 -------------------------------------------------------\n  882 NON-STANDARD GEDCOM CODES\n  883 \n  884 The GEDCOM 5.5 standard has a defined set of codes.  You can read the\n  885 specification online at http://www.PhpGedView.net/ged551-5.pdf  Part of the\n  886 standard allows for genealogy software to define their own codes, and \n  887 requests that they begin with an \"_\" underscore.  \n  888 \n  889 When PhpGedView comes across a tag that is not defined it will display an \n  890 error message.  You can disable these error messages by setting \n  891 $HIDE_GEDCOM_ERRORS=true; in the gedcom configuration settings.  PhpGedView can also be \n  892 customized to work with these codes by adding them to the facts array in a \n  893 new language file named extra.en.php.  If you add it to the English \n  894 facts file you should also add it to the other facts language files you are \n  895 using on your site if you want other languages to translate the tag \n  896 correctly.\n  897 \n  898 The format of the facts file is a PHP associative array.  Each tag requires \n  899 one line in the array.  The following line defines the label \"Abbreviation\" \n  900 for the ABBR GEDCOM tag.\n  901     $factarray[\"ABBR\"] = \"Abbreviation\";\n  902 \n  903 As an example, if you use a genealogy program that generates the tag \n  904 \"_ZZZZ\" you can customize PhpGedView to accept this code by adding the \n  905 following lines to the extra.en.php file:\n  906     <?php\n  907     $factarray[\"_ZZZZ\"] = \"Tag Label goes here\";\n  908     ?>\n  909 \n  910 -------------------------------------------------------\n  911 LANGUAGE EXTENSION FILES\n  912 \n  913 Language extension files are custom PHP files that you can use to make your \n  914 own language specific extensions to PhpGedView.  To add a language file \n  915 extension, create a new PHP file called extra.xx.php replacing the \n  916 \"xx\" with the code for the language you want to extend.  These files are \n  917 not automatically included with the package so that when you upgrade, your \n  918 extensions are not overwritten.\n  919 \n  920 If this file exists for the language that is chosen, it is the very last \n  921 thing that is loaded before the display starts.  These files were designed \n  922 to be language file extensions, but you could easily use them to make \n  923 settings changes based on the chosen language.\n  924 \n  925 What sort of things can you do with language extensions?\n  926  - Customize any of the text that appears on the site,\n  927  - Change configuration options based on language,\n  928  - Change to a different GEDCOM when someone views your site in a different\n  929    language.\n  930 \n  931 The only settings that you should not override in this file are the Privacy\n  932 settings.\n  933 \n  934 If, for example, you wanted to change the GEDCOM title when you changed the\n  935 language, you could change the title for each language by adding the \n  936 following line to your extra.xx.php:\n  937 \tglobal $GEDCOMS;\n  938     $GEDCOMS[\"surname.ged\"][\"title\"] = \"Title in Chinese\";\n  939 \n  940 In this file you could also change the text on the buttons:\n  941     $pgv_lang[\"view\"]=\"Show\";\n  942 \n  943 With this file you could also change the GEDCOM that is displayed when the \n  944 language is selected.  Suppose you had a GEDCOM that was in German and one \n  945 that was in English.  In the extra.de.php file you could add the \n  946 following lines:\n  947 \tglobal $GEDCOM;\n  948     if ($GEDCOM==\"english.ged\") {\n  949       header(\"Location: $SCRIPT_NAME?$QUERY_STRING&ged=german.ged\");\n  950       exit;\n  951     }\n  952 \n  953 These lines say that if we are using the German language files, but are \n  954 using the English GEDCOM, then we need to reload the page with the German \n  955 GEDCOM.  You need to reload the page so that the configuration settings for \n  956 the GEDCOM get loaded.  This assumes that you have both \"english.ged\" and \n  957 \"german.ged\" imported into the database and that the english.ged and the \n  958 german.ged have the same people in them, just in a different language.  \n  959 Thus I0001 in english.ged should refer to the same I0001 in german.ged.\n  960 \n  961 \n  962 -------------------------------------------------------\n  963 MIGRATING FROM DATABASE TO INDEX MODE AND VICE VERSA\n  964 \n  965 Older of versions of PhpGedView supported and internal \"index\" mode format\n  966 which allowed it to run without a database.  Since version 4.0, index mode\n  967 has no longer been supported.  If you are running an older version of PGV\n  968 in index mode then these instructions can help you to upgrade to a new version\n  969 of PGV which only supports databases.\n  970 \n  971 Basically it's possible to switch a PhpGedView installation from Index to \n  972 DATABASE mode or vice-versa without losing any settings.  The following \n  973 steps have to be made:\n  974 \n  975 DATABASE to Index\n  976 --------------\n  977  1.  Make sure you have all rights in the ./index/ folder on your web site \n  978      and on the file ./config.php\n  979  2.  Copy the file config.php to configsql.php (or any other name) to \n  980      backup the old configuration.  You may also use the Backup function \n  981      from the Admin menu to backup all vital files before switching mode.\n  982  3.  DO NOT remove any files from your index directory, as some of them \n  983      (Privacy and GEDCOM settings) will also be used in Index mode.\n  984  4.  In DATABASE mode, log in to PhpGedView with Admin rights.\n  985  5.  Go to the Administration page and select the User Information \n  986      Migration tool.\n  987  6.  Choose the Export function.\n  988  7.  User Migrate will try to create the following files:\n  989        - authenticate.php  - user accounts and settings\n  990        - favorites.dat     - user and GEDCOM favorites\n  991        - blocks.dat        - block layout of Welcome and MyGedView pages\n  992        - news.dat          - User and GEDCOM news\n  993        - messages.dat      - User messages\n  994      If any of the files already exist in your index directory, you will be \n  995      prompted to overwrite them.  If there are problems creating the files, \n  996      when, for instance, you don't have sufficient rights, you can always \n  997      correct the problem and run the Export function again, as nothing \n  998      irreversible has happened.\n  999  8.  Check that the above files exist in your index directory.\n 1000  9.  Go to Admin, Configuration, change mode to Index and save the \n 1001      configuration.\n 1002 10.  As all Index mode related files are already present, you should be \n 1003      able to use your web site in Index mode immediately.\n 1004 10.  Import your GEDCOM files again to build the Index database.  You don't \n 1005      need to change any GEDCOM settings, as they still exist in the index \n 1006      directory and will be used again.\n 1007 11.  Test all settings and functions thoroughly before you remove your SQL\n 1008      database from your web site.\n 1009 \n 1010 Index to DATABASE\n 1011 --------------\n 1012  1.  Make sure you have all rights in the ./index/ folder on your web site \n 1013      and on the file ./config.php\n 1014  2.  Copy the file config.php to configindex.php (or any other name) to \n 1015      backup the old configuration.  You can also use the Backup function \n 1016      from the Admin menu to backup all vital files before switching mode.\n 1017  3.  DO NOT remove any files from your index directory, as all of them \n 1018      (Privacy and GEDCOM settings) will also be used in DATABASE mode, or \n 1019      will be used to migrate the information to DATABASE mode.\n 1020  4.  Connect to your SQL DBMS with your regular administration tool, and \n 1021      define a database, without any tables.\n 1022  5.  Create a user in your SQL-DBMS with the following rights on the \n 1023      database:\n 1024          SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER.\n 1025  6.  In PhpGedView, go to Admin, Configuration, and change mode to \n 1026      DATABASE, fill in the appropriate SQL-DBMS and database name, user and \n 1027      user password and save the configuration.\n 1028  7.  PhpGedView will ask you to create an admin user.  Create one.  This \n 1029      user will be overwritten later with the migrated information.\n 1030  8.  From the admin menu, choose the User Information Migration tool, then \n 1031      choose Import.\n 1032  9.  PhpGedview will now import all settings from Index mode to DATABASE \n 1033      mode.\n 1034 10.  Go to Admin, Manage GEDCOMs and Edit Privacy, and then import all your \n 1035      GEDCOM files again.  There is no need to change GEDCOM settings and \n 1036      Privacy settings, as all settings made in Index mode will be used.\n 1037 11.  Test all settings and functions thoroughly before you remove Index \n 1038      related files (.\\index\\*.dat and .\\index\\authenticate.php) from your \n 1039      web site.\n 1040 \n 1041 -------------------------------------------------------\n 1042 POSTNUKE AND PHPNUKE INTEGRATION\n 1043 \n 1044 PhpGedView can integrate with PostNuke and phpNuke so that your users do \n 1045 not have to login twice.\n 1046 \n 1047 After you have PhpGedView up and running, you should follow the \n 1048 instructions in the readme.txt file in the pgvnuke folder.\n 1049 \n 1050 The files that make the integration magic happen were donated by Jim Carey.\n 1051 \n 1052 ===========================================================\n 1053 BACKUP\n 1054 \n 1055 With the Backup function in the administration menu, you can make a simple \n 1056 backup of all important PhpGedview files.  With this backup, it's possible \n 1057 to rebuild your PhpGedView site to the situation at backup time.\n 1058 \n 1059 The backup can contain the following files, as selected on the Backup page:\n 1060   - config.php with all configuration settings of your installation\n 1061   - all GEDCOM files that were present in your installation\n 1062   - all GEDCOM options and privacy settings for the above files\n 1063   - counters, PhpGedView- and search-logfiles\n 1064   - user definitions and options (block definitions, favorites, messages \n 1065     and news)\n 1066 \n 1067 The files will be gathered into a ZIP file, which can be downloaded by \n 1068 clicking the link on the page.\n 1069 \n 1070 Note: The database itself will not be included in the backup, since it can \n 1071 be rebuilt using the files in the backup.\n 1072 \n 1073 Note: All pending changes (not approved or rejected yet by the \n 1074 administrator) will be present in the GEDCOM files but can no longer be \n 1075 identified as changes.  If the database is rebuilt using the GEDCOMs, these \n 1076 changes therefore can no longer be rejected.\n 1077 \n 1078 The Backup function uses the PclZip library, which is written by Vincent \n 1079 Blavet and can be found at http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip.\n\nBack to SourceForge.net\n\nPowered by ViewVC 1.0.3 \t\nViewVC and Help"
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                        "*": "=======================================================\n    PhpGedView\n\n    Version 4.1\n    Copyright 2005 John Finlay and others\n\n    Pour obtenir plus d'informations d\u00e9taill\u00e9es, rendez-vous sur ce site:\n    http://www.PhpGedView.net\n\n    Le guide d'installation en fran\u00e7ais est disponible sur ce Wiki ici: [[Guide d'installation]]\n\n    # $Id: readme.txt 1970 2007-10-19 21:25:17Z yalnifj $\n\n=======================================================\n\nCONTENTS\n     1.  LICENSE\n     2.  INTRODUCTION\n     3.  SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS\n     4.  QUICK INSTALL\n     5.  INSTALLATION\n     6.  UPGRADING\n     7.  UPDATING GEDCOMS\n     8.  THEMES\n     9.  MULTIMEDIA OBJECTS\n    10.  RSS FEED\n    11.  DATABASE TABLE LAYOUT\n    12.  MANUAL CONFIGURATION\n    13.  SECURITY\n    14.  LANGUAGES\n    15.  NON-STANDARD GEDCOM CODES\n    16.  LANGUAGE EXTENSION FILES\n    17.  MIGRATING FROM SQL TO INDEX MODE AND VICE VERSA\n    18.  POSTNUKE AND PHPNUKE INTEGRATION\n    19.  BACKUP\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nLICENSE\n\nPhpGedView: Genealogy Viewer\nCopyright (C) 2002 to 2007  John Finlay and Others\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\nit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\nthe Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n(at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.\n\nSee the file GPL.txt included with this software for more\ndetailed licensing information.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nINTRODUCTION\n\nPhpGedView is a revolutionary genealogy program which allows you to view \nand edit your genealogy on your website.  PhpGedView has full editing \ncapabilities, full privacy functions, and supports multimedia like photos \nand document images.  PhpGedView also simplifies the process of \ncollaborating with others working on your family lines.  Your latest \ninformation is always on your web site and available for others to see.  \nFor more information and to see working demos, visit \nhttp://www.PhpGedView.net/\n\nPhpGedView is Open Source software that has been produced by people from \nmany countries freely donating their time and talents to the project.  All \nservice, support, and future development is dependent on the time \ndevelopers are willing to donate to the project, often at the expense of \nwork, recreation, and family.  Beyond the few donations received from \nusers, developers receive no compensation for the time they spend working \non the project.  There is also no outside source of revenue to support the \nproject.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nSYSTEM REQUIREMENTS\n\nPhpGedView requires a web server with at least PHP v4.3 and around 20MB of\nweb space.  The default installations of PHP on most servers should provide\nyou with all of the PHP functionality you should need.\n\nDatabase\n    You will need at least 1 database and a username and password to access it. \n    PhpGedView primarily supports MySQL, but has also been tested and shown to \n    work with Postgresql, SQLite, and SQL-Server. The versions required for \n    each of these databases is outlined below: \n    MySQL 3.23+ \n    PostgresQL 8.0+ \n    SQLite available through PDO-SQLite which is included in PHP 5 \n    MS SQL-Server 2003+ \n\nWeb space\n    At least 20MB of web space on the web server. You will need more than this \n    if you intend to store multimedia linked to individuals. \n\nTo use the reporting engine, PHP needs to be compiled with XML support.  \nThis is compiled into PHP by default unless it is specifically disabled.  \nSee http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.xml.php\n\nSome features of PhpGedView require the GD library and that PHP be compiled\nwith GD support.  Most precompiled versions of PHP include GD support.  If \nyou are compiling PHP yourself you will need to configure it with the \n    --with-gd \noption.  See http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\n\nThe advanced calendar features of PhpGedView for converting Gregorian dates \nto the Hebrew or Jewish calendars require that PHP be compiled with the\n    --enable-calendar \nconfiguration option.  See http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.calendar.php \nfor more information.\n\nFor GEDCOMs larger than 2MB, you will likely need to research different\nhosting options and find one that will accept a request to modify the\ndefault memory and time limits built into PHP.  See the FAQ at\nhttp://www.phpgedview.net/faq.php for more information about large GEDCOMs.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nQUICK INSTALLATION\n\nThese instructions can also be found in the wiki at:\nhttp://wiki.phpgedview.net/en/index.php/Installation_Guide\n\nFollow the instructions in this section to install PhpGedView if you are\nalready familiar with the program or are familiar with installing other PHP \nweb applications.\n\n 1.  Upload the files to your web server.\n 2.  Set Write permissions on config.php and the \"index\" directory.  For \n     optimal security, you should move the \"index\" directory to a location \n     where it is not accessible from the Internet.\n 3.  Point your browser to the directory where you uploaded your PhpGedView \n     files (for example, http://www.yourserver.com/PhpGedView/).\n 4.  Enter your configuration settings.  If you moved the index directory, \n     be sure to specify the correct location to it on this page.  Save the \n     configuration parameters.\n 5.  Enter the default administrator user.\n 6.  Login as this user and upload your GEDCOM file.\n 7.  Save the GEDCOM configuration settings.\n 8.  Import the GEDCOM.\n\nOptional Steps\n 9.  If you want to use the language editing features you will need to set \n     Write permissions for all of the files in the ./languages folder.\n10.  If you want to upload media files using the Upload Media section of \n     the Admin menu then you need to set Write permissions for your ./media \n     and ./media/thumbs directories.\n11.  If you want to edit your GEDCOM file online, the GEDCOM file must have\n     Write permissions set for the PHP user.\n12.  If you want to use the Backup feature of the Upgrade utility in \n     PhpGedView you will need to either set Write permission on the \n     PhpGedView folder itself or create a folder named \"backup\" with Write \n     permissions.  Write permissions for the PhpGedView folder can be \n     removed as soon as the backup folder is in place and has the \n     appropriate permissions.\n13.  For security you should set the permissions back to Read-only when you \n     are done editing or uploading files.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nINSTALLATION\n\nThese instructions can also be found in the wiki at:\nhttp://wiki.phpgedview.net/en/index.php/Installation_Guide\n\nFollow these instructions if you are not familiar with PhpGedView or \ninstalling PHP applications.\n\n*A.  Upload Program Files:\nTo install PhpGedView, unzip the compressed package and upload the files to \na directory on your web server.  If you have limited space on your server, \nyou can save space in the following ways:\n1.  Delete the themes from the themes folder that you do not plan to use.\n2.  Delete some of the language files that you do not want.  English files \n    are named configure_help.en.php, countries.en.php, facts.en.php, \n    help_text.en.php and lang.en.php.  French files, for example, are named \n    with \".fr.\" in place of \".en.\".  Hebrew files use \".he.\" in place of \n    \".en.\", and so on.  \n    The English language files cannot be deleted.  They are always loaded \n    before the files for the selected language are loaded.  This ensures \n    that all language variables are defined, and that the English version \n    will be used when a given variable is missing in the new language.\n3.  Do not upload the \"places\" folder.  This folder contains maps for some\n    countries.  It also contains text files containing state, county, and \n    place names.  Its purpose is to allow you to enter place names by \n    picking them from lists.    \n\nFor optimal security, you may want to move the \"index\" directory to a \ndifferent location outside of your Internet accessible space.  You will \nspecify the location of this directory during the online configuration.  \nSee the SECURITY section for more information.\n\n*B.  Required File Permissions:\nPhpGedView requires that Read permissions be set for all files in the\nPhpGedView directory tree.  Some hosts also require Execute permissions\n(chmod 755).  PhpGedView requires full Write permissions on the index \ndirectory (chmod 777 under most hosting configurations).  PhpGedView also \nrequires that Write permissions (chmod 777) be set temporarily for the \nconfig.php file.\n\nTo help with the setting of permissions a file called setpermissions.php \nhas been included with the project.  This file will attempt to set 777 \npermissions to the config.php, ./index, and all of the files inside the \n./index directory.  Because host settings vary on the ability of PHP \nprograms to set file permissions, you have to run this file manually.\n\nIf at any time you have trouble during configuration, check your \npermissions again.\n\nThere are some advanced features that require more Write permissions to be \nset.  If you want to use the language editing features you will need to set \nWrite permissions for all of the files in the ./languages folder (chmod \n777).  If you want to upload media files using the Upload Media section of \nthe Admin menu then you need to set Write permissions (chmod 777) for your \n./media and ./media/thumbs directories.  If you want to edit your GEDCOM \nfile online, the GEDCOM file must have Write permissions set to the PHP \nuser (chmod 777).\n\n*C.  Configuration:\nNext point your web browser to the PhpGedView folder\n(for example, http://www.yourserver.com/PhpGedView/) to automatically \nbegin the online configuration process.  Information about each of the \nconfiguration options can be found online by clicking on the question mark \n(?) near each label.\n\nPhpGedView has support for importing your GEDCOMs into a PEAR:DB supported \ndatabase like MySQL or PostgreSQL.  Currently, MySQL is the only fully tested \ndatabase.  Using a database requires that an existing user, password, and \ndatabase already exist.\n\nYou may reconfigure PhpGedView at any time by going to PhpGedView/admin.php \nand logging in as an administrator user and clicking on the \"Configuration\" \nlink.\n\nIf you are having any problems setting up PhpGedView then you should run the \nsanity_check file. To do this you should type sanity_check.php into your URL \n(for example, http://www.yourserver.com/PhpGedView/sanity_check.php). If you are \nnot able to view that page then you most likely don't have either the sanity_check \nfile or you do not have PHP installed properly.\n\n*D.  Create Admin User\nAfter you click the Save button, you will be asked to create an \nadministrator user and login as this user.  Then click on the link labelled \n\"Click here to continue\" where you will be taken to the \"Manage GEDCOMs\" \narea.  In the \"Manage GEDCOMs\" area you can add GEDCOMs to your site, edit \nthe GEDCOM configuration, edit Privacy settings, and import the GEDCOM into \nthe data store.\n\n*E.  Add GEDCOM file\nTo add GEDCOM files to the system, you can upload your GEDCOM file using \nthe \"Upload GEDCOM\" option from the Admin menu.  All files uploaded using \nthe \"Upload GEDCOM\" page are saved in your index directory.  You can also \nupload your GEDCOM manually using FTP or any other file upload method.  \nMost hosts limit the size of files that can be uploaded from a web form for \nsecurity reasons, so you may be forced to use a manual method.  You may \nalso upload your GEDCOM in ZIP format, either manually or using the \n\"Upload GEDCOM\" option.  Make sure to enter the filename of the ZIP file.  \nPhpGedView will automatically unpack the ZIP file and use the GEDCOM file \ninside it.  Be sure to create the ZIP file to contain only one GEDCOM file.\n\n*F.  Set GEDCOM Configuration Settings\nAfter uploading your GEDCOM, you will be asked to set the configuration\nparameters for it.  There are too many parameters to list all of their \noptions in this document.  Please use the online Help documentation to \nguide you through the configuration process.\n\n*G.  Validate GEDCOM\nAfter you save the GEDCOM configuration PhpGedView will validate your \nGEDCOM and automatically fix any errors that it can.  If any errors found \nin the GEDCOM require user input, you will be prompted to choose how to \nproceed.  Again use the online Help ? for more information.\n\n*H.  Import GEDCOM\nYou are almost done.  This is the final step before you can begin viewing \nyour data.  After validating the GEDCOM and fixing any errors, you will \nneed to import the GEDCOM into the data store.  During the Import you will \nsee a lot of processing statistics printed on the screen.  If the Import \ncompleted successfully you will see a blue \"Import Complete\" message.  \nEverything is now set up and you can begin using PhpGedView with your \nGEDCOM.\n\n*I.  Deleting GEDCOMs\nYou may delete GEDCOMs from your site from the \"Manage GEDCOMs\" area.\nDeleting a GEDCOM from the site will remove it from the database but will \nnot delete the original GEDCOM file that you imported.  It will also not\ndelete any of the cache or privacy files related to this GEDCOM.  These \nretained files, which are no longer required by PhpGedView, are all located \nin the \"index\" directory.\n\n*J.  Reset config.php Permissions\nFor security you should set the permissions of config.php back to Read-only\n(chmod 755) when you have finished configuring for the first time.  Write\npermissions will only need to be set for config.php when you use the\nAdmin->Configuration link.  Everything else will be stored in the index\ndirectory.\n\n*K.  Custom Themes\nYou can customize the look and feel of PhpGedView by modifying one of the\nprovided themes.  See the THEMES section of this readme file for more\ninformation.\n\n*L.  HTTP Compression\nPages generated by PhpGedView can be large and use up a lot of bandwidth.\nCompression of the data between the server and browser using GZip \ncompression can compress the bandwidth by up to 90% (usually 80% - 90% for \nPhpGedView that were tested).  Add the following 2 lines to your php.ini file:\n    zlib.output_compression On\n    zlib.output_compression_level 5\n\nIf you have no access to the php.ini file and you are using Apache, create a \nblank file named .htaccess (including the dot) and add the following lines to \nthat file  (or add them to an existing .htaccess file and upload the file to \nyour PhpGedView directory.\n    php_flag zlib.output_compression On\n    php_value zlib.output_compression_level 5\n\nSome hosts do not allow adding this through .htaccess files, but they may \nallow you to create a partial php.ini file in your phpGedView directory. To\nthis file you would add the same two lines from the php.ini file above:\n    zlib.output_compression On\n    zlib.output_compression_level 5\n\nNote: If your host is using mod_gzip or an other compression method, using \nthis technique can cause problems.  Compression will have no effect on \nbrowsers that do not support it.  You can test the compression at\nhttp://leknor.com/code/gziped.php\n\nIf you need help or support visit  http://www.PhpGedView.net/support.php\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nUPGRADING\n\nUPGRADING 4.1 to 4.1.x\n\n1. To upgrade from 4.1 to 4.1.1 or any other 4.1.x version, simply replace \n   the files on the server with the new files.\n2. Some of the internal structures have changed, so you should also delete\n   your cache files.  This can be done from the \"Customize Welcome Page\" link\n   or by manually deleting the files from the \"index\" directory. \n\n\nUPGRADING 4.0.x to 4.1.x\n\nUse the following steps to upgrade to v4.1.  These steps assume that you \nare familiar with PhpGedView and have successfully installed it before.\n\nVersion 4.x no longer includes support for index files.  If you do not have \nPHP 5 with built-in SQLite support or a database account then you should not \nupgrade to PhpGedView 4.x.  Maintenance releases will continue for the 3.3.x \nversion.\n\n**Note to SQLite users: Unfortunately SQLite does not support the ALTER TABLE\n  SQL command.  This means that we must first drop the tables and recrate\n  them.  It is highly reccomended that you run the backup before upgrading.\n\n1.  Upload the new 4.1 files to your server replacing the old files with the \n\tnew files.  Do not replace the config.php file or the index directory.\n2.  In order to create the data required for the new version, you will\n    have to re-import your GEDCOM. Please see the section on UPDATING\n    GEDCOMS below.\n3.  You can now use your upgraded site.\n4.  If you are using a customized theme you will need to update your theme\n    with new stylesheets and variables.  An excellent tool that can help \n    you to merge themes is the WinMerge project \n    http://winmerge.sourceforge.net/\n    \n-------------------------------------------------------\nUPDATING GEDCOMS\n\nWhen you change your genealogy data outside of PhpGedView, it is not \nnecessary to delete your GEDCOMs from PhpGedView and start over.  Follow \nthese steps to update a GEDCOM that has already been imported:\n\n1.  The first step is to replace your old GEDCOM on the site with your new\n    GEDCOM.  You can do this using FTP, or by going to the \"Upload GEDCOM\" \n    page and uploading a new GEDCOM with the same filename as the old one.  \n    Please remember that file names are case sensitive.\n2.  Re-import the GEDCOM file by going to \n    Admin->Manage GEDCOMs->Import GEDCOM.  The GEDCOM will be validated \n    again before importing.\n3.  The Import script will detect that the GEDCOM has already been imported \n    and will ask if you want to replace the old data.  Click the \"Yes\" \n    button.\n4.  You will again see the Import statistics and the Import Complete \n    message at the bottom of the page when the Import is complete.\n\nIf you use a ZIP file to upload the GEDCOM, the only way to do it is by \neither using the \"Upload GEDCOM\" option, or the \"Add GEDCOM\" option.  The \nGEDCOM file in the zipped file has to have exactly the same name as the \nalready existing GEDCOM.  This way existing GEDCOM settings will be \npreserved.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nTHEMES\n\nPhpGedView uses a theme based architecture allowing you to have greater\nflexibility over the appearance of the site.  The \"themes\" directory \ncontains the standard themes that come packaged with PhpGedView.  You may \ncustomize any of these themes to your liking or create your own theme by \ncopying any of the standard themes to a new folder and modifying it.  When \nyou configure PhpGedView, you should tell it to look in your new theme \ndirectory.\n\nA theme directory must contain at least the following 6 files:\n  footer.html        # PHP/HTML for the bottom of every page\n  header.html        # PHP/HTML for the top of every page\n  print_footer.html  # PHP/HTML for the bottom of every print preview page\n  print_header.html  # PHP/HTML for the top of every print preview page\n  style.css          # A CSS stylesheet containing all styles\n  sublinks.html      # PHP/HTML to print the links to other places\n  theme.php          # The PHP design variables that you may customize\n  toplinks.html      # PHP/HTML that appears just below the header.html\n\nFor a guide to building your own custom PhpGedView theme, go to:\nhttp://www.PhpGedView.net/styleguide.php\n\nIf you really like a theme that you have done and would like it included \nwith the project, you should send your theme files to the developers at\nyalnifj@users.sourceforge.net.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nMULTIMEDIA OBJECTS\n\nThe GEDCOM 5.5 standard supports multimedia files of all types.  Currently\nPhpGedView supports multimedia objects only as external files.  Multimedia\nembedded in the GEDCOM file itself will be ignored.  To use the multimedia\nsupport in PhpGedView you must copy the multimedia files external to your\nGEDCOM to the \"media\" directory in the folder where you installed \nPhpGedView.\n\nIn choosing which picture to show on charts, PhpGedView will choose the \nfirst one with the _PRIM Y marker.  If there are no _PRIM tags in your \nmedia object records then the first object found will be used.  You can \ndisable all photos on charts for a particular person by setting _PRIM N on \nall media objects.  Most genealogy programs will do this for you \nautomatically.\n\nYou can find all of the images referenced in your file by opening your \nGEDCOM in a text editor and looking for the OBJE or FILE tags.\n\nPhpGedView includes a \"media/thumbs\" directory where you can place \nthumbnails of your media files for display in lists and on other pages.  \nPhpGedView allows you to create your own thumbnails so that you can \nmaintain artistic control over your media and to avoid the installation of \nother server side software.  Make a copy your images and reduce them to an \nappropriate thumbnail size somewhere around 100px width and upload them to \nthe \"media/thumbs\" directory.  Keep the filename the same as the original.  \nThumbnails can be created for non-image media files as well.  To do this \ncreate a thumbnail image in either gif, jpeg, png or bmp formats and name \nthem the same name as the media file including the file extension (even if \nthe media is a non image such as a PDF or an AVI file, name the thumbnail \nIMAGE with the PDF or AVI file extension).\n\nThere is an Image module that fully integrates with PGV and that will\nautomatically create thumbnails for you if you use it to upload your files.  \nIt is not included with the main PhpGedView files because it requires \nexternal libraries that not all hosts will have installed.  You should be \nable to get it to work by following the instructions included with it.  \nYou can download the ImageModule from:\nhttp://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=55456&package_id=88140\n\nYou can configure PhpGedView to recognize subdirectories in your media \nfolder.  The subdirectories must be the same names as the subdirectories in \nyour media file paths pointed to in your GEDCOM file.  For example, if you \nhave the following media references in your GEDCOM file:\n    C:\\Pictures\\Genealogy\\photo.jpg\n    C:\\Pictures\\Scans\\scan1.jpg\n    scan2.jpg\n\nWith the media depth set to 1 you need to set up your directory structure \nlike this:\n    media/Genealogy/photo.jpg\n    media/Scans/scan1.jpg\n    media/scan2.jpg\n    media/thumbs/Genealogy/photo.jpg\n    media/thumbs/Scans/scan1.jpg\n    media/thumbs/scan2.jpg\n\nWith the media depth set to 2 you need to set up your directory structure \nlike this:\n    media/Pictures/Genealogy/photo.jpg\n    media/Pictures/Scans/scan1.jpg\n    media/scan2.jpg\n    media/thumbs/Pictures/Genealogy/photo.jpg\n    media/thumbs/Pictures/Scans/scan1.jpg\n    media/thumbs/scan2.jpg\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nRSS FEED\n\nPGV now includes an RSS feed.  RSS is an XML format that allows other sites\nto get news and other data from your site.  The language used is the \ndefault language of the site.  The language of the feed can be set to any \nlanguage supported by PGV by changing the URL that your RSS aggregator uses \nfrom the default /phpGedView/rss.php to /phpGedView/rss.php?lang=english \n(or any language supported by PGV such as rss.php?lang=french).  \n\nCurrently only the default site GEDCOM is supported for the feed info.  \nOther options available in the RSS feed are the ability to specify the feed \ntype via the rssStyle parameter.  The PGV default is \"RSS1.0\".  Passing any \nsupported type including \"PIE0.1\", \"mbox\",\"RSS0.91\", \"RSS1.0\", \"RSS2.0\", \n\"OPML\", \"ATOM0.3\", \"HTML\", \"JS\" will change the feed type.  \n\nFor example, calling  /phpGedView/rss.php?rssStyle=HTML will create HTML \noutput suitable for inclusion in an other page via an iFrame.  The JS \noption will output JavaScript that can be included in an other page without \nusing an iFrame.  \n\nYou can also specify a module that you want to output (only 1) so that only \nthat module will be output.  This is done via the module parameter.  For \nexample, /phpGedView/rss.php?module=gedcomStats will only output the GEDCOM \nStats block.  \n\nThese parameters can be chained so that\n/phpGedView/rss.php?lang=hebrew&module=gedcomStats&rssStyle=HTML \nwill output the GEDCOM Stats module in Hebrew in HTML.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nDATABASE TABLE LAYOUT\n\nPhpGedView uses a very simple database table layout because it operates\nprimarily on the GEDCOM data and only needs the database for search and\nretrieval.  There are only a few tables in the database:\n  pgv_blocks        # Description of each user's Portal page\n  pgv_dates         # Stores decoded date information from GEDCOM records\n  pgv_families      # All the families in the GEDCOM\n  pgv_favorites     # Stores users favorites\n  pgv_individuals   # All the individuals in the GEDCOM\n  pgv_messages      # Messages to and from users\n  pgv_names         # Stores decoded name information from GEDCOM records\n  pgv_news          # Stores news items for the Index and Portal pages\n  pgv_other         # All other level 0 GEDCOM records (i.e., repositories, \n                    #   media objects, notes, etc.)\n  pgv_placelinks    # Cross-reference between places and individuals and\n                    #   families\n  pgv_places        # Place hierarchy\n  pgv_sources       # All the sources in the GEDCOM\n  pgv_users         # Table for user data (only exists if using default \n                    #   mysql authentication module)\n\n\nThe tables are all very similar.  They each have a field for the GEDCOM ID, \na field to tell which GEDCOM file the record was imported from, a few \nfields for things like quick retrieval of name information, and a field for\nthe raw GEDCOM record data.\n\nFollowing is a more detailed description of each table:\n  pgv_individuals:\n    i_id VARCHAR(255)      # GEDCOM individual ID\n    i_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n    i_rin VARCHAR(30)      # Individual's RIN number\n    i_name VARCHAR(255)    # Person's primary name taken from the first\n                           #   1 NAME line stored in GEDCOM name format\n    i_isdead int(1)        # Alive/dead status of individual\n                           #   -1 = not calculated yet 0 = alive 1 = dead\n    i_GEDCOM TEXT          # Raw GEDCOM record for this individual\n    i_letter VARCHAR(5)    # First letter of the individual's surname\n    i_surname VARCHAR(100) # Person's surname\n\n  pgv_families:\n    f_id VARCHAR(255)      # GEDCOM family ID\n    f_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n    f_husb VARCHAR(255)    # ID of the husband\n    f_wife VARCHAR(255)    # ID of the wife\n    f_chil TEXT            # List of children IDs, semi-colon (;) delimited\n    f_GEDCOM TEXT          # Raw GEDCOM record for this family\n    f_numchil INT          # Number of children in this family\n\n  pgv_sources:\n    s_id VARCHAR(255)      # GEDCOM source ID\n    s_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n    s_name VARCHAR(255)    # Abbreviated title of the source\n    s_GEDCOM TEXT          # Raw GEDCOM record for this source\n\n  pgv_other:\n    o_id VARCHAR(255)      # GEDCOM record ID\n    o_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n    o_type VARCHAR(20)     # Type of GEDCOM record\n                           #    (REPO, ADDR, NOTE, OBJE, etc)\n    o_GEDCOM TEXT          # Raw GEDCOM record for this item\n\n  pgv_names:\n    n_gid VARCHAR(255)     # Individual ID that this name corresponds to\n    n_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n    n_name VARCHAR(255)    # Name in GEDCOM format,\n                           #   with / / around the surname\n    n_letter VARCHAR(5)    # First letter of the surname\n    n_surname VARCHAR(100) # Surname for this name record\n    n_type VARCHAR(10)     # Type of name,\n                           #   P = primary, A = additional, C=calculated\n                           \n  pgv_dates:\n  \td_day                  # The day of month for this date\n  \td_month                # The 3 letter abbreviation for month of year\n  \td_mon                  # Integer 1-12 for the month of year\n  \td_year                 # The year for this date\n  \td_datestamp            # This column is no longer used and will be deleted in 4.2\n  \td_fact                 # The fact that this date was associated with\n  \td_gid                  # The gedcom XREF ID where this fact and date were found\n  \td_file                 # The gedcom file id where this fact was found\n  \td_type                 # Used if this date uses an alternate calendar type\n\t\td_julianday1           # The julian day number for this day (or start of this month/year)\n\t\td_julianday2           # The julian day number for this day (or end of this month/year)\n\n  pgv_blocks:\n    b_id INT(11)           # Record ID\n    b_username \t\t\t   # User name whom block belongs to\n    \t\t   VARCHAR(100)#\n    b_location VARCHAR(30) # Location of the block.  \n                           #   Main column or right column\n    b_order INT(11)        # Position of the block within the column\n    b_name VARCHAR(255)    # Name of the block\n    b_config TEXT          # Configuration settings for this block\n\n  pgv_favorites:\n    fv_id INT(11)          # Record ID\n    fv_username  \t\t   # User name whom the favorite belongs to\n    \t\t   VARCHAR(30) #\n    fv_gid VARCHAR(10)     # ID of the favorite\n    fv_type VARCHAR(10)    # Type of favorite (currently only INDI)\n    fv_file VARCHAR(100)   # File that this favorite belongs to\n    fv_url VARCHAR(255)    # The URL for this favorite if it is not one of \n                           # the basic types\n    fv_title VARCHAR(255)  # A title for URL based favorites\n    fv_note TEXT           # Optional descriptive information about this favorite\n\n  pgv_messages:\n    m_id INT(11)           # Record ID\n    m_from VARCHAR(255)    # Name or email address of the sender\n    m_to VARCHAR(30)       # Destination user name\n    m_subject VARCHAR(255) # Subject of the message\n    m_body TEXT            # Body text of the message\n    m_created VARCHAR(255) # Time stamp when the message was created\n            \n  pgv_news:\n    n_id INT(11)           # Unique identifier\n    n_username VARCHAR(100)# User name or GEDCOM the News item belongs to\n    n_date INT(11)         # Time stamp of last update\n    n_title VARCHAR(255)   # Title of the article\n    n_text TEXT            # Body text of the article\n\n  pgv_places:\n    p_id INT(11)           # Unique identifier\n    p_place VARCHAR(150)   # Place name\n    p_level INT(11)        # Level of the place in the hierarchy,\n                           #   0 is the country or state\n    p_parent_id INT(11)    # ID of this item's parent place in the \n                           #   hierarchy.  A city's parent would be the \n                           #   county it is in, a county's parent would be \n                           #   a state or province, and a state or province\n                           #   would have a country as parent.\n    p_file INT             # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n    p_std_soundex \t       # Standard soundex code for searching by place.\n    \t\tVARCHAR(255)   #\n    p_dm_soundex       \t   # Daitch-Mokotoff soundex code for searching by\n    \t\tVARCHAR(255)   #   place.\n\n  pgv_placelinks:\n    pl_p_id INT(11)        # Unique identifier\n    pl_gid VARCHAR(30)     # Family or individual ID referencing this place\n    pl_file INT            # ID number of the GEDCOM file the record is from\n    \n  pgv_soundex:\n  \tsx_i_id\tVARCHAR(255)   # Unique identifier (Individuals table)\n  \tsx_n_id\tVARCHAR(255)   # Unique identifier (Names table)\n  \tsx_file\tINT\t\t\t   # Unique identifier (GEDCOM file)\n    sx_fn_std_soundex      # Standard first name soundex code. Used for\n            VARCHAR(255)   #   soundex searching.\n   \tsx_fn_dm_soundex       # Soundex code for international first names.\n   \t\t\tVARCHAR(255)   #   This uses the Daitch-Mokotoff soundex method,\n   \t\t\t\t\t\t   #   which is better suited for them.\n    sx_ln_std_soundex \t   # Standard last name soundex code. Used for\n    \t\tVARCHAR(255)   #   soundex searching.\n    sx_ln_dm_soundex \t   # Soundex code for international last names. This\n    \t\tVARCHAR(255)   #   uses the Daitch-Mokotoff soundex method, which \n    \t\t\t\t\t   #   is better suited for them.\n\n  pgv_users:\n    u_username VARCHAR(30) # User name\n    u_password VARCHAR(255) # Encrypted password\n    u_fullname VARCHAR(255) # User's full name\n    u_GEDCOMid TEXT        # Serialized array representing the GEDCOM IDs\n                           #   for this user\n    u_rootid TEXT          # Serialized array representing the root IDs \n                           #   for this user\n    u_canadmin ENUM('Y','N') # Is the user an admin or not\n    u_canedit TEXT         # Serialized array indicating the editing \n                           #   privileges a user has for each GEDCOM\n    u_email TEXT           # Email addres\n    u_verified VARCHAR(20) # User self verified\n    u_verified_by_admin VARCHAR(20)  # User has been verified by the admin\n    u_language VARCHAR(50) # User's preferred language\n    u_pwrequested VARCHAR(20)   # User requested a new password\n    u_reg_timestamp VARCHAR(50) # Registration timestamp\n    u_reg_hashcode VARCHAR(255) # Self-registration hash key\n    u_theme VARCHAR(50)         # User's preferred theme\n    u_loggedin ENUM('Y','N')    # User's login status\n    u_sessiontime INT(14)       # User's last login time stamp\n    u_contactmethod VARCHAR(20) # User's preferred method of contact\n    u_visibleonline ENUM('Y','N')  # Whether or not the user is visible in\n                                   #   the logged on users block\n    u_editaccount ENUM('Y', 'N')   # Whether or not the user can edit his\n                                   #   own account information\n    u_defaulttab INT(10)           # Default tab on the individual page\n                                   #   for this user\n    u_comment VARCHAR(255)         # Admin's comments on this user\n    u_comment_exp VARCHAR(20)      # Alert date for the admin, for instance \n                                   #   for temporary accounts.\n    u_sync_gedcom VARCHAR(2)    # If the user has a GEDCOM record ID, then \n                                #   should some of the data for the user (name,\n                                #   email) be synchronized with the GEDCOM data.\n    u_relationship_privacy VARCHAR(2)  # Should this user use relationship privacy\n    u_max_relation_length INT   # The maximum path that the user is allowed to see\n    u_auto_accept VARCHAR(2)    # Are changes made by this user automatically \n                                #   accepted into the database\n\nThis table layout has received criticism from some for its simplicity, \nsize, and because it does not follow a genealogy model like GENTECH.  \nWe admit that these tables can be hard to interface to because the code has \nto understand GEDCOM in order to get information out of them.  We also \nadmit that storing the raw GEDCOM data could make the tables very large.\n\nFortunately the GEDCOM standard is not a very complex or large format; it \nonly requires 6 characters per line, which is very good compared to \nsomething like XML.  However, there are some very compelling reasons why \nthis table structure was chosen:\n1.  Simpler tables mean fewer and simpler database queries.  This takes a\n    large load off the database and makes the program run faster.\n2.  Nothing is lost in the Import.  Even though GEDCOM is a standard, each\n    genealogy program interprets the standard a bit differently and adds \n    its own tags.  Creating a database model that conforms to all the \n    GEDCOM outputs of different genealogy software programs would be very \n    difficult.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nMANUAL CONFIGURATION\n\nAdvanced users who understand PHP may want to configure manually by editing \nthe configuration file config.php  When you have finished editing \nconfig.php make sure that the variable $CONFIGURED=true; so that the \nprogram does not try to forward you to the configuration.php script when \nyou launch it for the first time.\n\nYou can manually add GEDCOMS to the system by adding them to the $GEDCOMS \narray in the index/GEDCOMs.php file.  The GEDCOM array looks like this:\n  $gedarray = array();\n  $gedarray[\"GEDCOM\"] = \"surname.ged\";\n  $gedarray[\"config\"] = \"./index/surname.ged_conf.php\";\n  $gedarray[\"privacy\"] = \"./index/surname.ged_priv.php\";\n  $gedarray[\"title\"] = \"Surname Genealogy\";\n  $gedarray[\"path\"] = \"./surname.ged\";\n  $GEDCOMS[\"surname.ged\"] = $gedarray;\n\"surname\" above could be anything, for example, \"johnson\" or \"private\".  \nYou must pay attention to the case of what you enter.  PhpGedView is case \nsensitive.\n\nEach GEDCOM will need a configuration file.  You can copy the \nconfig_GEDCOM.php file which has all of the default values for each GEDCOM \nyou add manually.  Then set the \"config\" item of the GEDCOMS array to point \nto the file you copied.\n\nEach GEDCOM also needs a Privacy file.  Make a copy the privacy.php file \nfor each GEDCOM and set the \"privacy\" item of the GEDCOMS array to the \nlocation of the new privacy.php file.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nSECURITY\n\nEven though PhpGedView gives you the ability to hide the details of living\nindividuals, whenever you post the personal details of living individuals \non the Internet, you should first obtain the permission of EACH living \nperson you plan to include.  There are many people who would not even want \ntheir name linked with their family history made public on the Internet and \ntheir wishes should be respected and honored.  Most family history programs \nallow you to choose the people who are exported when you create your GEDCOM \nfile.  The most secure option is to deselect all living people in your \ngenealogy program when you export your genealogical data to a GEDCOM file.\n\nIf you wish to protect your GEDCOM file itself from being downloaded over \nthe Internet you should place it outside the root directory of your web \nserver or virtual host and set the value of the $GEDCOM variable to point \nto that location.  For example, if your home directory is something like\n\"/home/username\" and if the root directory for your web site is\n\"/home/username/public_html\" and you have installed PhpGedView in the\n\"public_html/PhpGedView\" directory then you would place your GEDCOM file in\nyour home directory at the same level as your \"public_html\" directory.  You\nwould then set the file path to \"/home/username/GEDCOM.ged\" by editing the\nGEDCOM configuration.\n\nYou can also manually set the location by changing the \"path\" line in\nindex/GEDCOMs.php:\n    $gedarray[\"path\"] = \"../../GEDCOM.ged\";\nor\n    $gedarray[\"path\"] = \"/home/username/GEDCOM.ged\";\n\nSince your GEDCOM file resides in a directory outside of your web server's \nroot directory, your web server will not be able to fullfill requests to \ndownload it.  However, PhpGedView will still be able to read and display \nits contents.\n\nIn the end it is YOUR responsibility to guarantee that there has been no\nviolation of an individual's privacy and YOU could be held liable should\nprivate information be made public on the web sites that you administer.\n\nFor more privacy options visit:\nhttp://www.PhpGedView.net/privacy.php\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nLANGUAGES\n\nPhpGedView has built-in support for multiple languages.  PHP does not \nsupport unicode (UTF-16).  It does support UTF-8 and that is the \nrecommended character encoding for GEDCOMs with PhpGedView.  If you have \ncharacters in your GEDCOM outside the standard ASCII alphabet, you should \nprobably use the UTF-8 encoding.  There are many differences between UTF-8 \nand UTF-16, but anything that you can encode in UTF-16 you should be able \nto encode in UTF-8.  It is also quite easy to convert from Unicode to \nUTF-8.  Simply open your Unicode GEDCOM file in Windows Notepad and select \n\"File->Save As..\" from the menu and choose UTF-8 as the encoding option.  \nYou shouldn't lose any of the characters in the translation.\n\nYou should check the Patches section of\nhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/PhpGedView to get the latest language \nfiles.\n\nDiscussion and questions about the multiple language features of PhpGedView\nincluding translations, should be posted in the Translations forum \navailable from the PhpGedView project page here:\nhttp://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=294245\n\nTo translate PhpGedView into another language that is not currently \nsupported you must first login to PhpGedView as an administrator and go to \nthe Language Edit Utility by clicking on \"Admin-> Translator Tools\".  At \nthe bottom of that page is an option to Add a new language.  Choose your l\nanguage from the dropdown list and click on the \"Add new Language\" button.  \nA popup window will appear that allows you to edit the default settings for \nyour language.  Each of the settings has online help available by clicking \non the \"?\".  You might want to look at the settings for some of the other \nlanguages on the edit language page to see how they are set up.  When you \nhave finished editing the settings, click the Save button.  This will \ncreate a new lang_settings.php file in the index directory.  You will \nnotice that your language now appears in the supported languages list.\n\nNext create a copy of the \"configure_help.en.php\", \"facts.en.php\", \n\"help_text.en.php\", and \"lang.en.php\" files located in the \"./languages/\" \nand change the \"en\" part to match the two letter language code of your \nlanguage.  \n\nThe \"facts\" file contains all of the translations for the various GEDCOM \ntags such as BIRT = Birth.  The \"lang\" file contains all of the language \nvariables used throughout the site.  The \"configure_help.en.php\" and\n\"help_text.en.php\" provide configuration and help instructions.\n\nYou can translate these files using the online Language File Edit utility.\nJust select your language from the drop-down list and then select the file \nyou want to edit and click the Edit button.  Your file will be compared to \nthe English language file so that you can easily translate the files \nonline.\n\nYou can also translate these files manually by opening them in any text \neditor.  If you manually edit the files, you must be sure to save them in \nthe UTF-8 character set.  Some text editors like Windows Notepad add a \n3-byte Byte-Order-Mark (BOM) to files they save in UTF-8.  PHP does not \nlike the BOM and it should be removed before testing the files in \nPhpGedView.  PhpGedView's Translator Tools section has a utility program\nfor removing these BOMs.\n\nYou should obtain a flag file from http://w3f.com/gifs/index.html and size \nit to match the other flags in the images/flags directory.\n\nTo help maintain languages, a language change log is provided in the \nlanguages directory.  This change log is named LANG_CHANGELOG.txt.  All \nchanges to the English language files are recorded here.\n\nIf you make a new translation of PhpGedView or update another translation, \nand would like to contribute it to the community please post your language \nfiles and your index/lang_settings.php file to the Patches section of the \nSourceForge project site at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/phpgedview\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nNON-STANDARD GEDCOM CODES\n\nThe GEDCOM 5.5 standard has a defined set of codes.  You can read the\nspecification online at http://www.PhpGedView.net/ged551-5.pdf  Part of the\nstandard allows for genealogy software to define their own codes, and \nrequests that they begin with an \"_\" underscore.  \n\nWhen PhpGedView comes across a tag that is not defined it will display an \nerror message.  You can disable these error messages by setting \n$HIDE_GEDCOM_ERRORS=true; in the gedcom configuration settings.  PhpGedView can also be \ncustomized to work with these codes by adding them to the facts array in a \nnew language file named extra.en.php.  If you add it to the English \nfacts file you should also add it to the other facts language files you are \nusing on your site if you want other languages to translate the tag \ncorrectly.\n\nThe format of the facts file is a PHP associative array.  Each tag requires \none line in the array.  The following line defines the label \"Abbreviation\" \nfor the ABBR GEDCOM tag.\n    $factarray[\"ABBR\"] = \"Abbreviation\";\n\nAs an example, if you use a genealogy program that generates the tag \n\"_ZZZZ\" you can customize PhpGedView to accept this code by adding the \nfollowing lines to the extra.en.php file:\n    <?php\n    $factarray[\"_ZZZZ\"] = \"Tag Label goes here\";\n    ?>\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nLANGUAGE EXTENSION FILES\n\nLanguage extension files are custom PHP files that you can use to make your \nown language specific extensions to PhpGedView.  To add a language file \nextension, create a new PHP file called extra.xx.php replacing the \n\"xx\" with the code for the language you want to extend.  These files are \nnot automatically included with the package so that when you upgrade, your \nextensions are not overwritten.\n\nIf this file exists for the language that is chosen, it is the very last \nthing that is loaded before the display starts.  These files were designed \nto be language file extensions, but you could easily use them to make \nsettings changes based on the chosen language.\n\nWhat sort of things can you do with language extensions?\n - Customize any of the text that appears on the site,\n - Change configuration options based on language,\n - Change to a different GEDCOM when someone views your site in a different\n   language.\n\nThe only settings that you should not override in this file are the Privacy\nsettings.\n\nIf, for example, you wanted to change the GEDCOM title when you changed the\nlanguage, you could change the title for each language by adding the \nfollowing line to your extra.xx.php:\n\tglobal $GEDCOMS;\n    $GEDCOMS[\"surname.ged\"][\"title\"] = \"Title in Chinese\";\n\nIn this file you could also change the text on the buttons:\n    $pgv_lang[\"view\"]=\"Show\";\n\nWith this file you could also change the GEDCOM that is displayed when the \nlanguage is selected.  Suppose you had a GEDCOM that was in German and one \nthat was in English.  In the extra.de.php file you could add the \nfollowing lines:\n\tglobal $GEDCOM;\n    if ($GEDCOM==\"english.ged\") {\n      header(\"Location: $SCRIPT_NAME?$QUERY_STRING&ged=german.ged\");\n      exit;\n    }\n\nThese lines say that if we are using the German language files, but are \nusing the English GEDCOM, then we need to reload the page with the German \nGEDCOM.  You need to reload the page so that the configuration settings for \nthe GEDCOM get loaded.  This assumes that you have both \"english.ged\" and \n\"german.ged\" imported into the database and that the english.ged and the \ngerman.ged have the same people in them, just in a different language.  \nThus I0001 in english.ged should refer to the same I0001 in german.ged.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nMIGRATING FROM DATABASE TO INDEX MODE AND VICE VERSA\n\nOlder of versions of PhpGedView supported and internal \"index\" mode format\nwhich allowed it to run without a database.  Since version 4.0, index mode\nhas no longer been supported.  If you are running an older version of PGV\nin index mode then these instructions can help you to upgrade to a new version\nof PGV which only supports databases.\n\nBasically it's possible to switch a PhpGedView installation from Index to \nDATABASE mode or vice-versa without losing any settings.  The following \nsteps have to be made:\n\nDATABASE to Index\n--------------\n 1.  Make sure you have all rights in the ./index/ folder on your web site \n     and on the file ./config.php\n 2.  Copy the file config.php to configsql.php (or any other name) to \n     backup the old configuration.  You may also use the Backup function \n     from the Admin menu to backup all vital files before switching mode.\n 3.  DO NOT remove any files from your index directory, as some of them \n     (Privacy and GEDCOM settings) will also be used in Index mode.\n 4.  In DATABASE mode, log in to PhpGedView with Admin rights.\n 5.  Go to the Administration page and select the User Information \n     Migration tool.\n 6.  Choose the Export function.\n 7.  User Migrate will try to create the following files:\n       - authenticate.php  - user accounts and settings\n       - favorites.dat     - user and GEDCOM favorites\n       - blocks.dat        - block layout of Welcome and MyGedView pages\n       - news.dat          - User and GEDCOM news\n       - messages.dat      - User messages\n     If any of the files already exist in your index directory, you will be \n     prompted to overwrite them.  If there are problems creating the files, \n     when, for instance, you don't have sufficient rights, you can always \n     correct the problem and run the Export function again, as nothing \n     irreversible has happened.\n 8.  Check that the above files exist in your index directory.\n 9.  Go to Admin, Configuration, change mode to Index and save the \n     configuration.\n10.  As all Index mode related files are already present, you should be \n     able to use your web site in Index mode immediately.\n10.  Import your GEDCOM files again to build the Index database.  You don't \n     need to change any GEDCOM settings, as they still exist in the index \n     directory and will be used again.\n11.  Test all settings and functions thoroughly before you remove your SQL\n     database from your web site.\n\nIndex to DATABASE\n--------------\n 1.  Make sure you have all rights in the ./index/ folder on your web site \n     and on the file ./config.php\n 2.  Copy the file config.php to configindex.php (or any other name) to \n     backup the old configuration.  You can also use the Backup function \n     from the Admin menu to backup all vital files before switching mode.\n 3.  DO NOT remove any files from your index directory, as all of them \n     (Privacy and GEDCOM settings) will also be used in DATABASE mode, or \n     will be used to migrate the information to DATABASE mode.\n 4.  Connect to your SQL DBMS with your regular administration tool, and \n     define a database, without any tables.\n 5.  Create a user in your SQL-DBMS with the following rights on the \n     database:\n         SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER.\n 6.  In PhpGedView, go to Admin, Configuration, and change mode to \n     DATABASE, fill in the appropriate SQL-DBMS and database name, user and \n     user password and save the configuration.\n 7.  PhpGedView will ask you to create an admin user.  Create one.  This \n     user will be overwritten later with the migrated information.\n 8.  From the admin menu, choose the User Information Migration tool, then \n     choose Import.\n 9.  PhpGedview will now import all settings from Index mode to DATABASE \n     mode.\n10.  Go to Admin, Manage GEDCOMs and Edit Privacy, and then import all your \n     GEDCOM files again.  There is no need to change GEDCOM settings and \n     Privacy settings, as all settings made in Index mode will be used.\n11.  Test all settings and functions thoroughly before you remove Index \n     related files (.\\index\\*.dat and .\\index\\authenticate.php) from your \n     web site.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nPOSTNUKE AND PHPNUKE INTEGRATION\n\nPhpGedView can integrate with PostNuke and phpNuke so that your users do \nnot have to login twice.\n\nAfter you have PhpGedView up and running, you should follow the \ninstructions in the readme.txt file in the pgvnuke folder.\n\nThe files that make the integration magic happen were donated by Jim Carey.\n\n===========================================================\nBACKUP\n\nWith the Backup function in the administration menu, you can make a simple \nbackup of all important PhpGedview files.  With this backup, it's possible \nto rebuild your PhpGedView site to the situation at backup time.\n\nThe backup can contain the following files, as selected on the Backup page:\n  - config.php with all configuration settings of your installation\n  - all GEDCOM files that were present in your installation\n  - all GEDCOM options and privacy settings for the above files\n  - counters, PhpGedView- and search-logfiles\n  - user definitions and options (block definitions, favorites, messages \n    and news)\n\nThe files will be gathered into a ZIP file, which can be downloaded by \nclicking the link on the page.\n\nNote: The database itself will not be included in the backup, since it can \nbe rebuilt using the files in the backup.\n\nNote: All pending changes (not approved or rejected yet by the \nadministrator) will be present in the GEDCOM files but can no longer be \nidentified as changes.  If the database is rebuilt using the GEDCOMs, these \nchanges therefore can no longer be rejected.\n\nThe Backup function uses the PclZip library, which is written by Vincent \nBlavet and can be found at http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip."