RSS feeds

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PGV now includes an RSS feed. RSS is an XML format that allows other sites to get news and other data from your site. The language used is the default language of the site. The language of the feed can be set to any language supported by PGV by changing the URL that your RSS aggregator uses from the default /phpGedView/rss.php to /phpGedView/rss.php?lang=english (or any language supported by PGV such as rss.php?lang=french).

Currently only the default site GEDCOM is supported for the feed info. Other options available in the RSS feed are the ability to specify the feed type via the rssStyle parameter. The PGV default is "RSS1.0". Passing any supported type including "PIE0.1", "mbox","RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3", "HTML", "JS" will change the feed type.

For example, calling /phpGedView/rss.php?rssStyle=HTML will create HTML output suitable for inclusion in an other page via an iFrame. The JS option will output JavaScript that can be included in another page without using an iFrame.

You can also specify a module that you want to output (only 1) so that only that module will be output. This is done via the module parameter. For example, /phpGedView/rss.php?module=gedcomStats will only output the GEDCOM Stats block.

These parameters can be chained so that /phpGedView/rss.php?lang=hebrew&module=gedcomStats&rssStyle=HTML will output the GEDCOM Stats module in Hebrew in HTML.