MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "allmessages": [
                "name": "ipb-blockingself",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blockingself",
                "*": "Du er ved at blokere dig selv! Er du sikker p\u00e5, du vil g\u00f8re det?"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist",
                "*": "Vis alle blokeringer som er i kraft"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist-contribs",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist-contribs",
                "*": "Bidrag fra {{GENDER:$1|$1}}"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist-duration-left",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist-duration-left",
                "*": "$1 tilbage"
                "name": "ipb-change-block",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-change-block",
                "*": "Forny brugerens blokering med disse indstillinger"
                "name": "ipb-confirm",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirm",
                "*": "Bekr\u00e6ft blokering"
                "name": "ipb-confirmaction",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirmaction",
                "*": "Hvis du er sikker p\u00e5, at du virkelig \u00f8nsker at g\u00f8re det, kan du markerer feltet \"{{int:ipb-confirm}}\" nederst."
                "name": "ipb-confirmhideuser",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirmhideuser",
                "*": "Du er ved at blokere en bruger med \"skjul bruger\" aktiveret. Dette vil skjule brugerens navn p\u00e5 alle lister og logposter. Er du sikker p\u00e5 du vil g\u00f8re det?"
                "name": "ipb-default-expiry",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-default-expiry",
                "*": ""
                "name": "ipb-disableusertalk",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-disableusertalk",
                "*": "Redigering af egen brugerdiskussion"
                "name": "ipb-edit-dropdown",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-edit-dropdown",
                "*": "Rediger blokeringsbegrundelser"
                "name": "ipb-hardblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-hardblock",
                "*": "Forhindr indloggede brugere i at redigere fra denne IP-adresse"
                "name": "ipb-namespaces-label",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-namespaces-label",
                "*": "Navnerum"
                "name": "ipb-needreblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-needreblock",
                "*": "$1 er allerede blokeret. Vil du \u00e6ndre indstillingerne?"
                "name": "ipb-otherblocks-header",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-otherblocks-header",
                "*": "Yderligere {{PLURAL:$1|blokering|blokeringer}}"
                "name": "ipb-pages-label",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-pages-label",
                "*": "Sider"
                "name": "ipb-partial",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-partial",
                "*": "Delvist"
                "name": "ipb-partial-help",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-partial-help",
                "*": "Specifikke sider eller navnerum."
                "name": "ipb-prevent-user-talk-edit",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-prevent-user-talk-edit",
                "*": "Editing their own talk page must be allowed for a partial block, unless it includes a restriction on the User Talk namespace."
                "name": "ipb-sitewide",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-sitewide",
                "*": "Sitewide"
                "name": "ipb-sitewide-help",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-sitewide-help",
                "*": "Every page on the wiki and all other contribution actions."
                "name": "ipb-unblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-unblock",
                "*": "Frigive IP-adresse/bruger"
                "name": "ipb-unblock-addr",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-unblock-addr",
                "*": "Oph\u00e6v blokeringen af \"$1\""